From One Perspective...

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(An update for my readers who aren't Supernatural fans, thank you for being patient, the last request was longer than I anticipated it to be.)

A loud sigh seemed to echo inside the dark and empty feeling flat, making the exhale seem more dramatic than it truly was.

The light invading my eyes as I flicked the switch momentarily blinded me and I could almost feel the headache that was begging to flare up in my temples, the shift of temperatures and lighting in Midgard always threw me off.

Letting the door close behind me, I stepped through my hallway whilst flipping through the letters I'd received that day.

Mostly bills and junk, but one envelope had intricate cursive writing on it that made me smile and eager to read once I had settled down a little, perhaps it would even calm my stress from that day.

It had been a long day teaching the at academy and I looked forward to the long weekend ahead of me, away from all those wretched wanna-be heroes.

I don't even know why I'd taken this job.

I hadn't ever intended to be a hero or associated with heroes in the slightest, I had just wanted to get away from it all.

Away from Asgard, away from Járnviðr and my rightful position on the throne, away from Loki and his bride to be.

That was years ago.

I'd managed to settle down on Midgard with a stable job that earned me enough money to get by monthly, I used my time outside of these long work hours to teach myself their customs and get to know their inner workings.

After many trials and tribulations, and even more embarrassing missteps, I found that I could happily call myself a Midgardian and no one would know any the wiser and I'd even taken to trying to hide my other wolf features, I avoided shifting to my much larger canine form.

It was a comfort, an identity away from who I once was.

Everything was going without a hitch until I received a letter from one Director Fury, who somehow knew of my abilities to shift between human and wolf form, asking if I would kindly be a teacher to upcoming heroes with similar abilities.

Then I remembered why I took the job, the pay was phenomenal.

I'd only been working there for a few months and I was already on my way to buying myself a better home, one that I owned and didn't rent.

For a brief moment, as I wandered through my flat to turn the lights on and set myself up for an evening of business before relaxing, I thought of the letter and my mind drifted back to home and what I had lost by my own actions.

How I had lost my best friend all because I couldn't handle someone else making him happy.

How we had once been the close friends who drifted when that other noble woman visited the kingdom.

She was perfect, perfect hair, perfect laugh, perfect stature and perfect teeth.

Essentially everything I wasn't and I am not shy about admitting that I hated her, by the norns I despised that woman with a venom so toxic she'd be withered within minutes.

Was there anything worse than the perfect being?


A perfect being taking away what I had hoped would be mine.

A selfish thought, but one that was no less honest, I wasn't ashamed to admit my biggest sin was envy and I was extremely prone to it.

So I purposefully stepped back from the already dwindling time I spent with Loki, mostly for my own sake of not having to see them and also to focus on my own reasons for visiting Asgard in the first place, to learn how to best create a treaty once I took over the throne of Járnviðr.

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