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A strange jolt and an odd sensation of pain snapped him away, an involuntary grunt leaving him as his entire body shuddered and convulsed.

His eyes darted around in panic, only to find that his entire vision was shrouded in an off-white colour.

His breathing came out in panicked gasps and it became difficult to take a sufficient amount of air in, he felt as if the panic was taking over and making it hard to control himself in a way he'd never experienced before.

He felt numb and heavy, when he attempted to move his entire being felt slow and rigid.

As he moved he let out an involuntary groan as a strange tugging sensation pulled down his neck and shoulder when he finally managed to get his arm moving, so much effort had already been expended simply because he wanted to remove the sheet from over his face.

Despite his best efforts, he'd barely moved an inch before the sheet was torn away, leaving him startled but blinded once again by a bright light that shone down into his eyes.

"Oh, thank all the Gods, it worked."

It took a while for the burning to subside, but as his eyes adjusted to the light he could see the outline of a blurry figure that loomed over him.

He wanted to speak but his tongue felt like lead and his mouth was too dry, even moving his jaw was proving amazingly difficult.

"I know," the chipper voice continued, "don't try to speak just yet."

Loki could only groan a little, his stiff jaw not offering any relief, no matter how much he tried to speak.

"Now, you must be freaked out a little and that's understandable and may be a good thing."

His vision adjusted and unblurred just in time for him to catch a brief look of manic concern, which worried Loki as it was a terrible mixture of sheepishness, excitement and the false apologies of a mad person.

She stood before him in a dirty lab coat, simple and casual clothes underneath that didn't give off the vibe of anyone authorative or officially licensed to be wearing such garb, though her immensely wild hair gave her the appearance of a typical mad scientist.

He must have pulled a face that he was too numb to feel, as she suddenly started and her face once again broke into a head splitting grin.

"I see you can comprehend speech and your surroundings well, wonderful! This is going so much better than last time."

"Last time?" He finally managed to rasp out, his jaw barely moving but his words still coming out clear enough to hear.

"Of course, what is a perfect experiment without a few test runs?"

"What exactly have you done to me?"

She smiled and gave a shrug of what he took to be uncaring.

"I just made some improvements."

"Improvements meaning what?"

"Meaning borrowing some pieces to fix you up, damn near Death's door you were."

Loki stared up at her in completely shocked disgust, though he wasn't sure if his face gave away what he was feeling.

"Do you want to see?" She asked, her head tilting a little.

He froze for a moment, wondering if he truly wanted to see what kind of warped being she had made of him, though now the numbness made sense.

"No, I don't want to see anything right now," he concluded, suddenly feeling sick.

"Suit yourself, though it's probably for the best, everything looks all red, angry and kind of gross if not completely awesome," her eyes looked over him and a proud smile replaced her manic one, "I've done a wonderful job."

"You're insane!"

"I'm a genius!"

Loki groaned again and rolled his eyes in exasperation, thankful that at least one part of him moved without much effort, the need to get away from this crazy woman was getting stronger by the second.

If only he could move.

He used the moment of silence to try and regain movement in his limbs, beginning with his hands.

In a small stroke of luck, he could feel his joints and muscles gradually loosening, although the return of feeling and movement flared up a pain that made it feel as if every part of him was on fire.

The pain flared up worse when he first attempted to fully flex his fingers, just getting them to bend was proving to be difficult and almost far too painful for him to bear for longer than a few seconds.

It was strange to him to not have his body fully following what his brain was commanding, he'd been numbed in the past to deal with injuries but never anything to this extent.

While he was still numbed seemed to have made his lagging movements easier to cope with despite the effort it took to get his fingertips to lift barely half an inch off the table, but now that the numbing was almost completely worn off and he had barely twitched a muscle the pain and effort brought on a terrible exhaustion.

Loki all but gave up as the tiredness consumed him and he felt his energy slowly draining.

Resting his hand, which he had managed to lift just a small bit, back onto the metal table he was led on, Loki let his eyes fall closed again as all energy finally left him.

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