And I Love, Animal - Werewolf Loki - Part Two

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The night arrived faster than Loki would have liked.

This was most likely because he had been trying to read a book about Midgardians and their dependence on 'social media', but found that his recuperation was constantly taking the energy out of him and caused him to doze off at various points during the day.

He was silently thankful that he was a naturally quick healer, otherwise his healing time would have probably doubled and he wouldn't have gotten half as far as he had already.

The deep scratches had already started to seal over and turn into deep looking scars by the time his company had assisted in changing the bandages, though it was now a few hours later and they had begun to itch mercilessly.

Loki attempted to sate the itch by rubbing gently over the top of the bandages, a gentle rubbing that eventually increased in pressure until the strips of cloth were becoming useless in covering anything with how disarrayed they were.

As the itching persisted, Loki finally decided to simply remove the bandages and hoped that letting some air get to the healing wounds would help in some way.

His arm still felt stiff to move, a dull ache ran over his shoulder and he could feel a new tightness to his skin as the deep scratched became scars.

Loki shrugged off the already partially open jacket that he had conjured for cover earlier and slipped the bandages off completely, letting them drop to the floor to land in a forgotten heap.

His jaw tensed at the sight of his chest, harsh angry looking pink and deep scars stood out against his pale skin, he counted six in total, all jagged and vicious in appearance.

He frowned as his fingers ghosted over the edge of one of the larger wounds where thick black hair seemed to be poking through the skin.

"What in the..."

Loki continued to run his fingers over the coarse hair, unsure of how to react to the peculiar development.

Now that he was looking at the scars, the itching only seemed to get worse.

Loki found his temper was beginning to flare the longer the irritation stayed, he grit his teeth and continued to scratch at the bare infliction.

At one point, Loki caught himself just short of an annoyed growl, a low rumble had started to build up and escape his throat, but he quickly noticed and cut himself off short.

"You shouldn't scratch at it, you'll only make it worse."

He flinched a little at the sudden break in his silence, as he jumped one of his nails caught the edge of the smallest wound and ripped a small bit of the skin away.

"Don't sneak up on people like that," he huffed in annoyance, inspecting the new additional cut.

"I'm sorry, I didn't intend to startle you."

"Well you did," Loki gave you a sharp look as he snapped.

There was a brief silence as his face softened and he cleared his throat, shifting around on the settee to return to his book.

"I apologise, I didn't mean to snap like that."

"It's alright, I only wanted to tell you that I'm heading to bed."

"Already?" He asked, looking towards the clock on the shelf of your fireplace, "But it's barely nine."

"I know," you smiled a little. "However, it seems that lugging a man who is significantly taller than me through a forest is rather tiring."

"I apologise once again, were I conscious I'd have been more help."

You laughed and shrugged a little in response, "I'm a strong girl, anyway if you need anything feel free to help yourself."

"Thank you, sleep well."

"You too, whenever you get some rest."

Loki gives you a grateful nod and a smile, watching as you shuffled through the room and heads towards your room just down the hall.

His eyes briefly roamed over you as he waited until you were out of sight before he turned back to his wounds and the disturbing amount of hair growing from them.

Standing up from his seat, Loki walked to the bathroom and switched on the light which he had found out was the brightest and clearest one in the small bungalow.

Closing and locking the door behind himself, he stepped up to the mirror and leant against the sink to get a closer look.

Tilting his head, he pinched a few of the hairs between his fingers and gave them an experimental tug, making him flinch and let out a small sound of discomfort.

Not that he had expected any other result.

It had been when his face contorted a little from the pain, his upper lip twitching a little at the twinge, that Loki had noted that his perfectly straight teeth had become pointed and sharp.

As if to confirm the obvious, he moved as close to the mirror as he could get and grinned at his own reflection.

The light glinted off his reshaped teeth, some appeared more jagged than others, but it was undeniable that they had somehow changed without his noticing.

He stumbled back a little in surprise, but couldn't tear his gaze away from his reflection. As he moved under the light, Loki noted that his usually blue eyes glinted a strange yellow before the colours seemed to mix together and become a strange combination of blue and green.

A strange sense of panic overcame him.

The God was used to shifting forms, he'd done it enough over the years for many different reasons, but never before had it been as out of his control as it seemed to be now.

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down and once again stepped up to the mirror with the intention of checking himself over further.

As he placed his hands on the sink once again and leant forward a sharp jolt ran through his shoulder and down his spine.

His arm briefly lost all strength and Loki fell forward, his head hung as he waited for the shooting pain to stop.

Eventually it dulled into nothing but a pulsing ache that spread throughout his body.

Slowly lifting his head, he glared through his messy hair at his reflection.

He was determined to fight against whatever was happening to him.

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