Reborn - Part Three

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Loki reached his teenaged mind far too quickly for her liking, meaning that soon he would reach the adult mind and would end up leaving her for another lifetime.

It was something that caused her heart to jolt.

Now that he was out of his admittedly endearing phase, he was a great conversationalist and she enjoyed their reading sessions together.

Repeatedly she had to remind herself not to get attached, not only because he was still mentally a teenager despite how he looked, but also because he would end up leaving her like all the others had.

That was her duty and she had to remember her place.

The night was proving to be a peaceful one as they sat in front of the fire on either end of the worn blue couch, a book in each of their hands and a comfortable silence sitting between them.

It was no surprise to her when Loki proved to be an advanced reader for his age, she'd estimated that he must have been at least three years ahead by the time he was mentally eight.

Now he was about sixteen and it was evident that, at times, the hormone spike in his brain was taking its toll, but he was doing wonders at keeping himself under control.

Loki had so far managed to keep his temper under control, even though it was common for people his age to fly off the handle over every little thing and to feel misunderstood over the simplest of situations, those were times that she didn't miss.

It seemed that he was going to be very mature when he reached this age in his new life, something she looked forward to watching over.

She had high hopes for his rebirth and believed that he would go far, she wished that she could tell him more but knew that giving him any inkling to her knowledge of what happens next could completely ruin the build up they had managed thus far.

Selfishly, she wanted to keep him there to herself and refuse to share him with the others, but to what end she knew not what.

The thought of the impending loneliness drawing ever closer had started to keep her up at night, never before had she felt this unsettled about his leaving and the nearer it drew the more upset she found herself.

Days would slip by and she would barely register any of the hours, her feelings numb.

While he never said anything, Loki had noted her sudden shift in moods as he developed and grew, he'd try to cheer her up and she would smile and tell him she was perfectly fine but despite all her thanks and reassurances, he knew she was lying for his sake.

Even if he may not have known who he was supposed to be, he knew that he was going to be a master at telling what was and wasn't a lie and despite her protests, Loki knew that there was a high chance of her sadness coming from the knowledge that soon he must leave.

It was during the moments of quiet contentment that he felt most relaxed, like in the moments they sat on either end of her seat and read.

He liked how her own temperament seemed to shift and she looked so peaceful, the way she'd smile as her eyes roamed over the pages or the little twitches her face did as she got engrossed in the varying emotions of whatever she was reading.

Loki wanted to see her smiling again and planned to devise an idea that would make her smile genuine and finally reach her eyes.

For the time being he kept to keeping her company when they weren't in lessons, helping her bake or in the garden.

His favourite thing was going for long walks as she told him the history of the surrounding area while they walked along the edge of the high cliffs her home sat near the edge of.

He'd noted how she never seemed to mention her past, only the past of their environment and his curiosity grew, yet a deep part of him knew better than to ask.

Loki stole a glance towards the other end of the couch, where she sat with her head rested on her hand as her eyes drooped, the grip she had on the book lessening by the minute and threatening to drop it.

Though she didn't physically appear much older than him, she was an old soul and didn't have the energy that Loki did.

He set his own book to one side and got up, causing her to flinch a little and rub her sleep laden eyes before turning her attention to him with a tired smile.

"Sorry, I was dozing off."

"I noticed," he replied with his own gentle smile, "I was thinking that I could get us some tea and then we'll call it a night."

"That does sound like a wonderful idea," she hummed.

"Then I shall make us some, try not to fall asleep."

She rolled her eyes and he chuckled, turning to head into the kitchen.

It was hard to believe there barely a week ago he had been huffing and rolling his eyes like a nine-year-old stropping, all because she had asked him to clear his things away so that she could set out their dinner, which he decided he wasn't hungry for until thirty minutes after it had been cleared away and he wanted a snack.

"You're almost a man now, Loki," she mumbled to herself, resting her head against her hand and closing her eyes again, hiding the build up of tears within them.

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