By Loki's Beard - Request by MrsBlue

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(Check out the end if you want a sample of what happens when I say; "I would love to watch a series of this and this happening," and someone takes it to mean that I'll be writing it!)

It was a shame how sporadically you would see Loki.

You had been going back and forth visiting Asgard for years, since you were a child, and somehow you had managed to befriend the trickster God, getting closer as you grew older.

Now, as an adult, whenever you weren't in Asgard or off on a job, you and Loki would send letters back and forth keeping each other updated on life and significant events.

Some changes, however, he failed to notify you on.

As you learned when you visited him after almost a year of working various jobs around the realms.

Not much had changed within the golden halls as you walked through, people looked older, as you would expect, and only small details or decorations had changed.

Thor was bulkier but no less boisterous than the last time you saw him, Odin snarlier but still respectful and Frigga was exactly the same.

Loki, however, had seen a drastic change.

His features had sharpened to the point that you could cut yourself on his cheekbones, he stood proud and ridiculously tall in his armour and his hair was getting longer.

There was also....

"What?" He asked, "don't you like it?"

"It's," you paused for a minute, trying to think of the word you wanted to use, "different."

He sighed and crossed his arms, glancing around the room before meeting your eyes again.

"So you hate it."

"I don't hate it," you laughed, "it'll just take some getting used to."

Loki didn't look anymore impressed with that answer and decided to stand there and playfully sulk, his lips pressing into a tight quirked line.

You laughed and stepped forward, reaching a hand up to scratch at the black beard he was now sporting.

It was softer than you'd expected, not too long and well kept as you'd expect from any Asgardian, in the black there seemed to be a few stray strands of more copper coloured hair.

There was no way you could say it didn't suit him.

In fact, you felt that it suited him a little too well.

"I guess I could get rid of it."

"No," you protested, tugging on some of the strands gently, "let me get used to it."

"Oh, so this is all about you?"

"It is now, you can't tease me like that."

Loki chuckled, carefully stepping away from you, being cautious of your fingers catching on any possible knots in his beard.

"I see," he chuckled, "you're enjoying this look a little too much."

"I am not, I deny everything."

You playfully turn away from him, giving a dramatic huff and flick of your head.

Loki smirked, his hand catching your wrist to pull you back around to face him.

Instinctively, your eyes met before yours slowly trailed back down to the straggle of dark hair coating his jaw.

"Oh, why do you do this to me?" You whined.

You knew that it was quite traditional for men to have beards in Asgard, Thor himself sported quite an impressive one, but Loki growing one himself seemed completely unfair.

Mentally, you cursed him and his gorgeous beard.

Was there anyway to make him not look absolutely alluring?

"If you must know, I simply enjoy watching you go weak at the knees."

"I think you're projecting now."

"Am I?"

His pointed look told you that he already knew the answer, but you were more than welcome to try and convince him otherwise.

Which was exactly what you were going to do.

"Yes," you nodded, tugging your wrist from his chilled hand, "I mean, why would I think that's appealing? Who would want to feel that scratching against them? Chaffing their lips."

"Please, I would much rather chafe your thighs."

You looked at him with wide eyes, eyebrows raised before you laughed, his words finally settling in.

"Is that so?" You smirked, though it wasn't one that could match Loki's.

Reaching up, you scratched at the hairs again and bit your lip in thought.

"I guess I'd be willing to give that a try."

Loki caught your hand in his and pulled it away from his face, smiling lecherously.

"This could be the start to a beautiful progression in our relationship."

"Perhaps so," you nodded, lacing your fingers with his as you both made towards his quarters, "at least you wear a beard better than Fandral."

("Don't think that I am anymore pleased about this than you are."

Strange regarded Loki with a look of utter boredom at his behaviour.

The God had been pacing ever since Strange had brought him here, granted he could have maybe been a bit more polite about it, but this was a matter of dire urgency and, thought he didn't wish to admit it openly, Loki may be the best man to help him.
And thus, starts Hell's writing of The Magical Misadventures of Loki and Strange!

Note: Not an actual series.)

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