Babysitting - Part Two

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The market was bustling and the atmosphere was amazing, the people seemed to be in a good mood and the air was lively with perky chattering.

This was all in contrast to how Loki was pouting as you carried him between stalls, he was clearly not enjoying being stuck in his infant body once again.

You had decided to avoid presenting Loki to Frigga in his condition and you instead turned to Thor, who had instantly taken joy in laughing long and hard at his brother.

It had taken you about fifteen minutes to convince him to help you find clothes that would fit so you could finally leave for the market, but in the end Thor came through in finding out old clothes from a chest he knew his mother kept.

Once Loki was all dressed up and ready to go, you left the palace grounds with Loki being as disgruntled as ever and getting worse by the minute.

"Come on, Loki, it isn't that bad," you whispered, having to lean down so that no one around you heard how you were addressing him, even though you doubted anyone was paying you any mind anyway.

That's the thing with the general public, you may think that they're paying attention to you and every mistake you make, when they're usually too busy going about their day to even realise anything had occurred.

"It's not exactly that great, either," he huffed, pulling another adorable look.

"But you like being doted on."

"Yes, as an adult where I get to have wine and other grown up goods, what can I even get now?"

You were about to answer until you noticed that you'd almost walked past the stall you needed to visit, letting out a small meep of surprise, you quickly stopped and took a step back.

Loki looked over the clothes in the stall and wrinkles his nose a little, none of the designs being particularly to his taste.

"Hello, dear."

His eyes flicked to the stall keeper, an older woman with long, shimmering white hair and a kind smile.

Deciding that he didn't wish to speak, he played into his new image and shied away against your neck, letting out a small whine that startled you.

You let out a small gasp and looked down at him to make sure he was alright, before looking at the stall keeper and giving her a soft smile.

"Sorry, I guess he got a little shy," you laughed lightly, still surprised by how he had suddenly shifted from pouting about his situation to acting the part.

"It's not a problem, many little ones do," she replied in a kind tone, her eyes glinting with happiness that you presumed was memories of her own children when they were the same age.

"I suppose they do, though I'm surprised he does, he's all about getting attention."

You looked down at Loki as he glared up at you, his significantly smaller hand squeezing a clump of your robe between his fingers.

"He is a cute one, what's his name?"

"Alsveith," you smiled, giving Loki a little bounce against your hip.

"What a lovely name for a cute boy."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," her eyes seemed to linger on Loki for a while, her lips pursed as if she were in thought.

You decided to ignore her look and continued looking over the clothes that would fit Loki for the time being, not wanting to draw attention to yourself by questioning her peculiar look.

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