True to Myself - Part Two

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(Just an announcement to say that I'm only 20k reads away from accumulating 100k and I think that is absolutely mental! Thank you guys so much!
This particular book may have slower updates as my idea well is running dry, but I am still open to requests! :) )

"Do you remember the last time we were led in bed together?"

I look at Loki and smile, even laugh a little.

"I do, as I recall things were vastly different."

A few short weeks have passed since the reunion and I have made it a point to try and visit Asgard more often, rekindling my friendship with Loki after so long has been a blessing I hadn't realized that I needed and I feel much happier for it.

His new look had taken me a while to get used to, but there was no denying the old friend that lay beneath the new image.

The same twinkle in the eyes was there, the same smile and the same, though naturally more mature, attitude.

This was Loki and I love him, though I can feel it progressing further than mere friendship.

That is something I plan to keep to myself.

Now we are sat on his bed, much like we had been that last time before life separated us, smiling and joking together.

There was so much we needed to catch up on and we finally found the time to be together without his duties getting in the way.

Much like old times, we had snuck to the kitchen and stolen some food and drinks to bring with us to his room, for hours we sat and talked, catching up on things we had missed while growing up.

It was nice, comfortable.

Comfortable enough for us to finally discuss the elephant in the room.

"I do wish you had contacted me before, I know you mentioned it the last time we saw one another but I thought it was a typical puberty 'learning about myself' phase that many have," I frown, shifting in my spot and ripping apart one of the pastries I had picked up, "I didn't know just how serious it was for you."

"I didn't say anything because I wasn't entirely sure myself, I went through phases of fluctuation but eventually I settled into who I am now."

"That must have been scary for you."

"The scariest part was admitting it to my family, you thought Father was bad when we were kids? You should have seen his face when I walked in as his new son and wearing my armour."

"It's very fetching armour."

"I suppose it is," he chuckles with a nod, "Mother was supportive, as expected."

"And Thor?"

"Thor was the only one who had an inkling from the start, or was at least open about it, he'd seen me go through my various shifts and always just accepted who I was on any given day."

I smile and lean back on one hand, the other hovering a bit of the pastry over my mouth.

"I'm glad, you may have your differences but it's clear that Thor adores you."

"He definitely took me by surprise, but he helped give me the courage to admit to who I am."

I nod, chewing on my pastry before swallowing and licking the crumbs off my lips.

For a short moment, we regard each other.

My eyes roam over him, his torso bare and his legs covered by deep green bottoms, his black hair was hanging loose and messy around his shoulders and I would be lying if I said that he didn't look like a treat.

"You're staring," he says, snapping me from my reverie.

"I was, I'm sorry."

"Think nothing of it," Loki shrugs then stands up from the bed, piling our used dishes and walking over to the door to set them outside for the maids to collect, "but may I ask what had you so deeply enraptured?"

I chew on my lip, looking him over again before averting my eyes as he turns back to walk to the bed.

"And remember, I'll know if you're lying."

Damn, he got me on that one.

Loki climbs back onto the bed and lounges across it, his head resting on his hand as the other lies on his hip, something akin to a posing model.

"Okay, I was thinking that you make a ridiculously handsome man and I hate you," I laugh, "I bet you have broken many hearts."

"I have never had a partner, so I'm not sure."

"That doesn't stop people having crushes on you, but there's really no Mr or Mrs in your future?"

"No," he shook his head, "if I did, I'm certain you would have met them by now."

"Ah, you have me there."

"Am I to presume the same for yourself?"

"You are, I am still waiting for the right one, in fact you would be the first man I have seen even semi-bare."

"If you want to see me complete bare, you just have to ask nicely."


Despite my laugh, I feel my face begin to burn, especially when he shoots me a horribly devastating smirk that complimented his features too well.

To try and diffuse the situation and avert attention from my burning face, I reach over to give him a playful smack on the chest.

As if anticipating my move, Loki let me get my minor attack in before grabbing my wrist and maneuvering us so fast that I wasn't entirely sure what happened until I realized that I was led on my back and staring up at him, his hands pinning mine on either side of my head.

I'm unsure of what to make my next move, I'm speechless.

All I can do is stare up at him, completely taken in by his mesmerizing eyes.

Even Loki seems unsure of where to go from here.

Slowly, I wriggle one of my hands out from his loose grip and reach up to trace his jawline, earning a look of amused confusion.

"What are you doing?" He asks, smiling down at me.

"Admiring just how sharp your features are."

Loki laughs, dropping his chin towards his chest.

"I guess they are?"

I hum a little and fiddle with his hair, which had tousled further during our little flip around.

"Have you tried growing facial hair?"

He lifts his head again and quirks it a little.

"No, why? Do you think I should?"

"Well you wouldn't know if it would suit you unless you grow a little peach fuzz."

We both snigger again, much like we used to as children, though granted Loki had never loomed over me like this before and he smiles widely at me.

"Maybe one day I'll give it a try."

I nod and then we somehow end up back in silent staring until Loki decides to break it, this time by leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to my cheek.

With a questioning look, I tilt my head and try to once again stop my cheeks from burning.

"What was that for?"

He shrugs lightly and turns his head away, had I not known him better by this point, I would believe that he was blushing too.

"Just for being you."

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