Talk Dirty To Me

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The night had taken an abrupt turn.

Dinner, drinks and a walk through the beautiful and vast gardens had somehow managed to turn into an intimate dance within Loki's soft bed sheets.

"Look at you, begging beneath me," Loki smirked as he nipped down my neck to my chest, occasionally stopping to leave a mark like a candid trail of possession.

The deep chuckle accompanying the statement sent a pleasant shiver through me and I let out a groan in response, trying to squeeze my legs together to ease the throbbing ache despite knowing that Loki was already between them and the friction my shifting added was only making it worse.

"I only want to hear my name coming from you."

"God, yes Loki," I groan back at the demand, grinding my hips against him in a desperate attempt to finally have him fully.

One of his hands moved up my thigh, the feeling was tantalizingly slow and teasing, until he finally reached where he wanted to be, my own hands were running all over his body as my mind faltered a little on what to do with the man between my legs.

"I'm going to make you unable to think of anyone but me for years to come."

I bit my lip and groan a little as he begins a gentle circling motion and two of his fingers push at my entrance, the feeling stinging and uncomfortable for a brief moment before easing into a more pleasurable fullness.

"No man will ever compare to me."

His breath ghosted over my chest as he spoke, causing my nipples to perk and ache a little.

I bit my lip harder and shifted my hips once again, the feeling of his own hard arousal spurring me on further and making my want grow, which he no doubt knew and chose to ignore in favour of his fingers.

The hope that he would finally make the last move and stop this relentless bragging and teasing from going any further was beginning to take precedence over any thought of reaching a climax that night.

"You're so wet for me," he murmurs, pumping his fingers slowly, "I bet you taste amazing."

I only let out a small whimper and moan whilst rocking my hips harder with his movements, trying to keep the arousal going as it began to wane the more he continued to talk.

"I want to watch you squirm as I ra-"

"Okay, Loki," I laugh, pushing at the top of his head, "I can't get into the mood when you keep saying things like that."

He pulls away from my chest and leans up on his elbows, looking up at me with an adorably confused expression that didn't match the image of his naked body barely hovering over me.

"Was that too much?"

"A little, I can deal with some dirty talk, but don't overdo it."

"Not a fan?"

"Not really, I love your voice but dirty talk is not my thing."

"So you won't be screaming for me?"

An image of me writhing on the bed and moaning out the most ridiculous sentences popped into my head, like a scene directly taken from an erotic play where dialogue had to fill an otherwise possibly awkward silence for the audience.

I laugh again and tangle my fingers into his hair, "I won't be screaming out how good you are, how close I am or anything like that, but take my moans as your cue that you're doing fine."

"Fine, I was running out of things to say anyway."

He chuckled again and went back to what he was previously so preoccupied with.

I let out a small breath of pleasure and let my head fall back once again as he continued the slow and teasing pace with his cold hand whilst he kissed his way back up my chest.

"What about pet names?"


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