Over One Small Mistake - Part Two

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My knuckles had barely grazed the large wooden door when it was wrenched open and I was forced inside, a tight grip holding firmly onto my wrist.

The door slammed shut behind me and I barely had time to process what was happening when the lock clicked into place, a sound that seemed to echo inside my mind.

"Loki, you're hurting me," I pleaded as I attempted to tug my wrist from his steel grip, though it remained unrelenting.

"This is tame compared to what I wished to do to you upon seeing that dress," he practically snarled, a sound that made you uneasy when coming from him.

"But it wasn't my intention," I protested, though it evidently fell upon deaf ears.

"Do you have any idea how humiliated I felt? I was so sure that your affections were for me, I even told Thor how you would turn up in my colours and that I would claim you for myself."

"And that was what I wanted."

"But it's not what happened, is it?"

It was troubling to see him this worked up over a mistake.

Loki was usually calm and thought things through logically, rarely acting purely from emotion and taking his time to truly see each individual aspect of the situation.

Granted it didn't always work and some decisions still didn't make sense to someone not within his mind, but to see Loki so riled up was unnerving and was only made worse that it was aimed directly at me.

"Loki, I promise you that I-"



I stared at him in astonishment, my cheeks beginning to burn at the sudden demand and the prospect of having to bare myself to a man I had admired for so long.

Even though this was ultimately how I had wanted the night to end, I had hoped that it would be on more mutual grounds of passion and emotion.

"I want you out of those colours in my presence, take the dress off."

His intense stare was intimidating, there was something darker than I was used to within those blue eyes.

Something that excited me despite myself and urged me to slowly move my hands to the clasps on my dress, at least one instruction they had gotten right on my order.

"Do hurry up, I have other things I wish to do tonight."

"I'm surprised that you haven't just used your magic to take it off of me," I quipped before I could stop myself.

"If I touched you then it would be the opposite of a punishment, wouldn't it?" He smirked at me, making my heart jolt in excitement.

He knew what he did to me.

Of course he did, he's Loki and it was rare that things got past him.

"Now, you're going to strip for me and kneel beside my bed, you will wait there until I return from this ridiculous party, understood?"

I falter at his words, my hands no longer working at unclasping the last bits that held my dress together in one piece and my eyes meet his, shock undoubtedly written on my face.

"I'm sorry?"

"You heard me," he smirked, "though I won't touch you, not yet."

His eyes roamed over me and his tongue briefly flickered along his bottom lip before he resumed looking at my face, which was beginning to heat up.

"You shall be here for one whole week at my beck and all."

I could only nod slowly in response, my thoughts racing at a mile a minute.

"Excellent, now move along and I shall return," he swiftly moved to the door, pausing only briefly to look at me over his shoulder, "don't worry, nothing shall be done without your consent of course, after all I'm not a monster."

Loki left the room, his laugh seeming to echo down the hall no matter how far he went.

My cheeks continued to burn with embarrassment, but I was still more excited than I cared to admit.

Finishing the last clasp and unwrapping the waist belt from the dress, I let it fall to the floor and kicked it to one side before making my way over to the side of his bed and kneeling down, one hand resting on the soft bed sheets.

I stared towards the door and bit my lip, eager to see what the week had in store for me.

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