Posh Boy - Lokitty - Part Two

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Time passed slowly, what had only been three weeks going by since my last visit to the nice lady and that horrid cat had felt more like two months.

Suffice to say, I missed her dreadfully.

Not just for the food, but also having some different company who was at least gentle at petting was nice.

I also missed Thor's energy and his excited bounding around, he was a great friend once he'd stopped chasing me around the front garden.

It had taken me far too long to realise that he had only wanted to play, not eat me.

I even missed her husband's grouchy expression when I defied his commands to never return, I missed them all so dearly, they had become the family I no longer had.

"Whatever, I don't need them."

"Keep telling yourself that, maybe you'll start believing it."

I rolled my eyes and glared at the over fluffed brown cat, Leo, who was lazily led in the sun beside where I perched.

"We'll believe you eventually."

My grey furred friend on my other side yawned, closing her pale green eyes.

"You guys just don't understand."

"He can't be that bad," Blacky commented, one of her ears twitching a little.

"He is! He's a complete jackass."

"You're just exaggerating because you got off on the wrong foot."

I turned my glare to Leo and decided to ignore him, a rebuttal not being worth my energy.

"I hope I get a chance to meet him," Blacky piped up, once again drawing my attention to her.

"Please, like he goes further than his luxury scratching post."

"I'll have you know that I venture outside quite often."

I let out a low growl and rolled my eyes as the unwelcome feline wanders over, looking as stuck up and holier than thou as ever.

From the corner of my eye I notice Blacky eyeing him up, sitting up straighter and curling her tail as her mouth pulls into a small smirk.

"Hey," she purred.

I suppress the urge to gag at her flirtatious tone, looking away with a grimace.

Loki glanced over her with an unreadable expression, neither interested nor disinterested.

"Hello," he replied, nothing in his tone helping me to decipher his level of interest.

Though I also doubted that he cared for anyone but himself, I wanted to see if he would act differently to my friends than he did me on our initial meeting.

"What are you doing all the way out here?" I asked with a biting edge in my tone.

"Surprisingly, even I like to wander."

"Perhaps, but to be seen with us lowly peasants?"

"What prince doesn't bless his royal subjects with his presence?"

His air of arrogance grew with a smirk, a chuckle and a mischievous twinkle that invaded his sharp blue eyes.

It was frustratingly hypnotic and alluring, the latter feeling one that I tried to tamper down and ignore.

"Besides," he continued in his suave accent, "I was merely passing by."

"Then you didn't have to stop to address us."

"I don't mind," Blacky spoke up once again, earning her own smirk from him.

"Of course I did, you were talking about me."

"Yes, precisely that, about you not to you."

"Oh, such hostility," he chuckled as if this was all just amusing to him.

Leo finally decided to get involved and told us all to hush up, his brown eyes roaming over our new guest as if to study him.

Loki rolled his eyes and scoffed a little, probably at having someone having the audacity to tell him what to do, and sauntered around us.

"Whatever, I'm done with this," he stopped and seemed to continue smirking whilst side eyeing Blacky. "Perhaps I'll see you later."

We all watched him leave with varying expressions.

I was more than happy to see him go, Leo looked as unfazed as ever over the entire event and returned to his dozy lounging and Blacky seemed kind of giddy.

"I think he may have just suggested a date," she grinned.

"Good luck with that one," I grimaced, an odd sick feeling building in my chest at the thought.

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