Warped Mind Games - Part Three

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I didn't see Loki after that morning.

By the afternoon I was packed up and went back to my own realm, where I could be away from everything and nurse my broken heart.

For a time, I believed that it wasn't going to be possible, that it would always hurt and I was doomed to live a life of uncertainty about whether putting my own feelings towards another was a good idea.

I tried not to let it show as I continued relationships with old friends and made new ones, but the nagging question of if they would hurt me further was always there in the back of my mind.

Months went past and gradually, at my own slow pace, I started to open up again with the people closest to me and embraced the feeling of trust that was growing between us.

It was the morning of my birthday that the letter arrived.

A maid was stood at my bedside, a welcoming smile on her face as she wished me a pleasant morning and held a tray in her hands.

I greeted her in kind, pushing myself up and leaning my back against the headboard of my bed just as she set the tray over my legs.

"Breakfast in bed? Someone is spoiling me."

"Your parents wanted only the best," she smiled, one that lit up her pretty face and shone in her hazel eyes.

"Wonderful," I laughed, looking over the flawlessly set out food and drink.

On the right-hand side of the tray stood a letter, propped between the salt and the pepper shakers and beside that was a rectangular green box with a golden ribbon.

"What is this?" I asked, picking up the letter and looking it over, my heartbeat picking up rapidly as I saw the emblem on the back.

Standing out proud and almost black against the green wax was the infinity snake sigil, one that had come to be affiliated with Loki.

"It arrived yesterday, your parents asked that we placed it with your breakfast as a surprise."

"Of course," I nodded slowly, staring at it before glancing at her and smiling as warmly as I could, "thank you, you're welcome to leave."

She bowed and turned, quickly retreating and leaving me to the silence of my bedroom.

I waited until the door clicked shut then put all my attention on steadying my nerves, which had spiked drastically and started to make my fingers tremble.

It took a moment of steeling myself before I could even dare to unfold the letter and start to read, the familiarity of his handwriting instantly bringing in floods of emotion that I had hoped were past me by that point.

The message was simple and quick.

'Happy Birthday, may your next year treat you well and I hope that you accept your gift.'

There was no signature, he knew that there didn't have to be, it was impossible for me to not know who had written this.

Sighing, I look over the letter again with a solemn expression heavy on my face, worsening as my eyes trail from the page to the box resting beside the plate of delicious food that now turned my stomach.

Setting the letter to one side, I pick up the box and untie the golden ribbon, letting it fall over my lap.

Unclasping the front of the box, I lift the lid and am greeted by a long, silver necklace with two gems entwined around one another at the end, one black and one teal.

I let out a shuddering breath that I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

There was no denying that the necklace was beautiful and held the typical refinery that I would expect of Loki, but the fact it came from him soured it ever so slightly, though that didn't stop me from running my hands over the smooth, curved gems as the light twinkled off the chain.

Withdrawing my hand and closing the box, I set it to one side and stare at the wall opposite me, my hands now resting in my lap as I let my mind wander.

I knew what he was trying to do, this wasn't only a birthday present, but a present to extend a branch and try to build bridges between us again.

This was a gift of regret, of hope and reconciliation.

Whether he meant it that way or not, it almost felt like a manipulative move and I hated thinking of him that way but giving his status it was no surprise that that thought arose.

A loud knock on the door tore me from my thoughts more abruptly than I had wanted, but the booming voice from the other side made the interruption more than welcome.

"I hope you are decent and ready to celebrate," Thor called, faintly muffled by the door.

I laughed and shook my head, "I'm just about to eat, why don't you come in and wait?"

Thor didn't have to be asked twice and already started to open the door before I had even finished my sentence.

Seeing his beaming face made me return the smile, his perky mood being contagious, even when my eyes glanced over the green box I'd set to one side.

Thankfully, Thor proved to be a welcome distraction, which was no surprise, it was a talent that he seemed to excel at and there wasn't a day of visiting that didn't go by that wasn't brightened by his presence.

He had decided to treat me to a long horse ride that ended in a picnic under a large tree, the sheet was set out and adorned with delicacies from both of our homes, presents and the most impressive cake that I had seen.

Typical Asgardian extravagance, it was a blessing and a curse.

We spent the afternoon sharing food, drinks and stories, much like we had the last night I had spent in Asgard.

The atmosphere was calm, light and a much needed distraction from all the duties I'd had to start upholding since my return home.

Eventually we had a slow ride back home, our stomach full to bursting and a silence sitting between us.

I used this time to make up my mind on something that had been present all day, there to haunt me until I made a final decision on where to go with it.

"Thor?" I asked gently, catching his attention.


"Would you mind delivering something to Loki for me?"

His eyes softened and he gave me an understand smile, accompanied with a gentle nod.

"Of course."

"Thank you."

Once we got home, we unpacked, stabled the horses, tidied everything away and then wished each other a good night.

After getting ready for bed and making sure my door and windows were secure, I sat at my desk and lit a candle for some added aesthetic atmosphere, then I picked up my quill, dipped it in ink and turned my attention to the paper I had taken from the top drawer.

"I reply with this letter in courtesy of receiving your own, thank you for the well wishes on this day and the exquisite present you enclosed with it.

I am certain that it will go wonderfully with some of the dresses I own."

I waited for the ink to dry and then folded it up and sealed it securely, ready to give to Thor in the morning before he returned home.

And that was how I continued a cordial correspondence with Loki.

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