whatever's been sitting on your mind, I'll take it off - n.m

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you and nick have been best friends for awhile, he likes you, but you're taken. you did think he was adorable when y'all first met, but you are taken.

although it's been a few weeks since you heard from your boyfriend johnny, which, makes you extremely suspicious. and even nick.

it's not normally like johnny to go distant. unless, he's going through a tough time.. well. turns out.. nick knows more than you think.

"maybe he's just being distant cause he's got so much going on!" you said looking at nick
nick shrugs "y/n.. i'm saying this cause i care but are you sure it's not something else?"
you snap "no. he wouldn't do that."
nick looks at you "you never know though"
you snap again "but i do! he's not like that. johnny ain't like that. at all."

nick grabs your arm "wait i didn't-" before he could finish your name, you had already left the room.

you just sit in the kitchen. alone.

zion sits beside you "what's up?"
you sighed "i haven't heard from johnny in weeks, and it's stressing me out. especially since it's our one year. today. not even nick knows that."
zion sighed "aw y/n.. you know each of us in this house adore ya, especially nick & that's why i say this, but i think you should leave him. he's not right for you. and if i'm honest, i don't think he ever was."
edwin then sits beside you "i hate to break it to you but zion is probably right"
brandon nods then joins in "i think the one you've been looking for the whole time has been right in front of you"

you sighed "i hate when y'all gang up on me like this"
brandon smiled "sometimes it has to be done!"
zion smiled "go make it right"

you sighed "nick."
nick smiled "whatever's on your mind,, i'll take it off"
you look at nick "if you could make johnny just disappear outta my mind that would be dope"

nick nods "noted."

he grabs your hands and kisses you.

you step back "nick.."

nick nods "i know it's hard. it's been hard for me too. seeing you with johnny. and seeing you tear yourself up over him when he's on the other side of the US when he could be doing god knows what with god knows who."

you look at nick "i. i appreciate you looking out for me,, i do. but it's. its."

nick kisses you again "it's okay. that's what it is"

you sighed "no. it's our one year. today. he's totally forgotten about me"

nick sighed hugging you "y/n.."

you sighed "maybe brandon is right."

nick looks at you "what'd he say?"

you sighed "that the one that's right for me was in front of me all along. the guys tag team lectured me"

nick giggles "they mean well"

you smiled "in an annoying way"

nick smiled "we can wait. i don't care. i want you. i want us. i know that for sure. however long it takes for johnny to disappear out of your head, i'll be there waiting"

you nod as you kiss nick just one more time "until then"

you walk downstairs. it was great having the support from the guys, and you ended up ending things with johnny. a few weeks later, you ended up going on your first date with nick, which happened a lot faster than you thought it would cause you thought it would take a lot of time to get over johnny but it really didn't and maybe that just proves that brandon was right all along.

they're right so much more than what ya would expect. but. you love them for it cause they've always got your back. always.

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