you don't have to be a 10 or a model - n.m (long)

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recently you've started to shut down. shut yourself out from your friends & family. just to be in your own little world.

i guess you can say college is taking over.

you & nick met at your best friend/roommate's birthday party.

he's a year older than you. so she was closer to the older guys, in & out of college.

she was very close with brandon. so the guys would come over pretty often. if y'all weren't having a party.

one night at her party, nick approached you. you had met him a few times from when b would come see your best friend aspen but have never met properly.

until they started to set y'all up.

brandon & aspen we're getting things ready before the rest of the guys & other guests arrive to the house (y'all rent a house & share with 2 others that's just around the corner from ya'lls college since it was the cheaper option than staying on campus)

you were finishing you shift at work when you get a text from aspen "hey can you grab a few extra things? brandon forgot some"

you nod "yeah, i'm just on a quick break and then i'm off in a few hours. so it won't be for awhile but what do y'all need?"

aspen replied "can you go pick up nick?"

you read the text. you were confused. extremely confused.

you read the text again then called aspen "what do you mean can i pick up nick? i thought they were all riding with b?"

brandon was in the background so he heard everything "well yeah but you know nick, always taking forever to pick his shoes!"

you were mad due to the fact you could see exactly where this was going but. you love aspen. so. you ran with it.

"okay fine. i'll pick him up. but i'm gonna clock off earlier so tell him in be there in 10."

aspen smiled "thank yooou. love youuu"

you nod "you're welcome"

you hung up & clocked off a little bit earlier since it was pretty dead anyways & your boss didn't mind at all. so you went to the boys place and knocked on the door "you ready?"

nick nods "yup! just gotta find my keys!"

you pick them up off the table by the door "these ones?"

nick nods and he grabs them then locks the door "yes them ones"

you got in the car and looked at nick "brandon in on this too?"

nick nods "100%"

you nod "they're just as bad as each other"

you were driving and the traffic was very bad so you decided to avoid the main roads and go the other way, where there's less traffic but it takes a little longer which beats sitting in traffic.

you then look over at nick "wanna have a little fun with this?"

nick nods "i like the way you think"

you smiled "let's tease them"

nick nods as he held onto your hand "take a photo of this and put it on your snap! see how long it takes her to respond"

you nod "yes!"

you had a lot of fun with it. but. it wasn't harmless fun. you started to feel a little something.

you were stuck in a daze whilst holding hands with nick.

he looked at you "you okay?"

you nod as you let go of his hand. "yup. i'm. i'm okay. just need to hands to drive"

you said as an excuse.

nick looks at you. "i've been around enough girls in this industry & in real life to know that's not true. what's up?"

you sighed "we really don't have to be a 10 or a model?"

nick shakes his head "no. but. you're a 10. you are model material. you're beautiful y/n." he then grabs back onto your hand

you look at nick "we just having fun with this or is this?"

nick looks at you then kisses you "maybe a little more"

you nod "definitely a little more." then pull away "but we hardly know each other..."

nick nods "true. but. we have all night. you know what brandon and aspen are like. we'll have all night to get to know each other"

you nod "you're not wrong there"

nick nods.

you pull back up to your place. the party had already started but when you got there, of course avery was happy to let you both wonder off. so y'all went and sat by the pool, talked out there for as long as you could. then went back inside and continued to talk in your room. it was probably one of the most secure moments you've had. and you haven't had that many.

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