thats why its been 3 years since you've seen him - z.k (long)

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you and zion have been together for awhile, y'all were best friends before you dated and it just progressed as you spent more time together.

you have a little brother. but him and zion haven't met due to the fact he lives with your parents who are divorced. it's hard enough for a 4 year old kid to go between his two parents seperate houses let alone throwing yours in the mix, especially when it's on the other side of the US.

from florida to la isn't a trip for anyone young, yet alone at 4.

you get a text from your dad. you haven't really spoken to him much since the divorce, it got really ugly between and your dad.

you get a text from your dad "we've landed. leo is wait for you."

you nod "okay. where are you staying?"

your dad replies "with y'all. i don't trust you with leo"

you reply "i'm 20. i can look after my own brother. plus, i'm sure he wants to meet the guys too."

your dad replies "k. but i'm staying close by, the whole time."

you reply "👍🏼"

you then lock your phone and look at zion "leo & dad are here. i gotta go get them from the airport!"

zion nods "okay baby! where's your dad staying?"

you sighed "he wants to stay here. but i'm not having that happen. especially since i've seen how he can be with me & i don't want leo to see that. plus, i don't want y'all too either"

zion nods "you want me to come with you?"

you nod "actually yeah, that'll be good"

you and zion headed off to the airport.

leo went straight for you. you smiled and hugged him as tight as you could "hey bud!! how was the flight"

leo smiled "long"

you nod "i bet! hey look who i brought!"

zion smiled softly as he kneeled down, leo ran straight to him

you walk up to your dad "if you think you're staying with us. you're dreaming. i don't want leo going through that shit like i did."

your dad nods "fine. but you know i'm gonna be as close as i possibly can be all the time"

you sighed "i'm capable of looking after him myself.."

your dad rolls your eyes and walks to leo "i'm staying in a hotel! but you will be able to call me if you need okay? just gotta ask y/n"

leo nods "okay! bye dad" he then gave him a hug

zion smiled softly as leo came back to him after

you look at zion "he really likes you z"

zion smiled "good! glad someone does"

you look at zion confused

zion then looks at you as he carries leo and you take his luggage "i mean, your dad didn't even bother to say hi"

you nod "i know.. he's never normally like that with my boyfriends. i guess he's disappointed i didn't go for b. apparently"

zion sighed

you nod "yeah. he liked brandon more and wanted me to go for him, said if i went with you then he would disconnect me from my family even more than he already had after the divorce"

zion sighed "that's why it's been 3 years since you've seen him"

you nod "exactly. he was okay with you being my best friend but once it became more it just wasn't happening"

zion sighed softly "well. he's here now, your dad isn't in your grill. it'll be okay" he kisses your cheek

you nod and head back to the boys place.

the boys all introduce themselves to leo

you then look at leo. leo smiled softly and hugged all the guys and started talking to them.

zion looks at you "i get why you've moved here.."

you nod "yeah. dad's been a handful since the divorce. i wanted to stay for leo but i just couldn't. leo seems really happy to be here"

your dad came over the next day and met the boys and saw how he was with leo. he then decided to leave cali and leave you alone to watch leo like you asked. after a few weeks your dad came back to LA go pick up leo.

the boys loved leo, and were happy. it was a sigh of relief that's good.

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