bad blood - e.h

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"we gotta stop with all this bald blood y/n!" edwin looks at you

you sighed "yeah. we do. or we ain't gonna last long."

edwin sighed "i'm sorry! okay. i'm sorry"

you shook your head "it's okay. i wasn't ready for anything. it was my fault"

edwin looks at you "keep the past in the past?"

you and edwin were together for awhile. but you were both young. you called it off. probably not in the nicest way. and ever since it's been bad blood to say the least.

you love him. you always have and you always will. but you were young. you both were.

you weren't ready, he was, he didn't understand that you weren't, you lost it then you lost him.

you sighed "i hurt you ed. i don't know how you're even looking at me now.."
edwin shrugs "it's the past for a reason y/n."
you sighed "regardless. i hurt you. you don't deserve that! you never did.."
edwin smiled "stop okay."
you sighed "i can't!"

you couldn't handle it. you walked outside and just sat by the pool. austin was walking past heard y'all going off at each other then decides to check on you. since edwin was already talking to the others.

"y/n. you torn him apart. there's no denying it. but there's also no denying the fact that he loves you" austin smiled softly

you sighed "hm maybe. but. every. single. time. that i look at him i just can't help but see what i lost. what i did wrong. how i did him wrong. all of it."

austin nods "yeah. that might be true. but i can honestly say, he was mess when you left. he was beyond happy with you. i've never seen a smile like the one he gets when you're around. unless when zion is playing fortnite.. then i never see a smile that big"

you laugh a little "thank you aust. you really think we can make it work? even after everything i put him through?"

austin nods "even after" he then stands up "i'll go get him. y'all needa talk"

you nod and wait for edwin. as you get waiting. you start thinking out loud. which 80% of the time is a weakness.

"i hurt him. i know. i fucked up. i know. but yet after all that he's wanting to be around. then here i am worrying about how much i hurt him and not focusing or even tryna focus on how much he cares. no one has stayed after i've hurt them. ever. maybe it's god's plan. maybe i should try again" you were talking to yourself. again."

edwin smiled softly "maybe it is. maybe we should" he sat down beside you

you itch your head "ah how. how much?-"

he cuts you off "all of it"

"i love you. always have. always will. no matter what we go through. i got you. you got me. we got us. i love you" edwin smiled kissing you

you nod "yup. missed that. i love you. i'm sorry again though"

edwin smiled as he shakes his head "forget it. focus on here & now. not tomorrow not yesterday not last week. here and now"

you nod kissing him again "i love you"

you both then decided to jump in the pool. it was good. gave you both time together, to talk more, goof around like the past. it makes you feel. whole again."

edwin was a blessing. god's blessing. let's just say, yeah. you may hurt someone in your past. but if they come back, don't let that go. there's something there worth fighting for & you won't know just how much of it is worth fighting for unless you try.

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