bub we need to leave soon! - n.m

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you & nick had a very busy day planned, he promised he would come along with you to the first dance class that you're teaching.. but. of course the boys had a late stupid session the night before so it was safe to say, nick was exhausted. you left earlier whilst nick stayed and came home just after 3am.

you woke up around 8:30am, you had to ideally be out of the house just before 10, due to the fact class starts at 12 but the traffic can be something else and well unpredictable plus you wanted to run the choreography pass nick before everyone arrived.. and of course nick was still asleep.

you smiled watching him cuddle with y'all's dog. you took a photo quickly before you tried to wake him up.

 you took a photo quickly before you tried to wake him up

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"bub we need leave soon!"

nick rolled over "give me 20"

you sighed "nick come on. this means a lot to me."

nick rolls back over to face you before wiping his eyes "i know. i'll be up in a sec yeah?"

you nod "thank you."

you then walked downstairs and made some chocolate chip pancakes & coffee.

"bub. come on" you sighed. you love him with all your heart but he can drive you crazy sometimes.

you look upstairs and he wasn't coming down. so, you went back upstairs.

he had rolled over to your side of the bed, which is the side he had to be on to get out of the bed, since his is up against a wall.

you sighed sitting on the edge of the bed by his feet "i love you. but please hurry up. it's 9. we're leaving at 10. eat & shower okay? even if it's not on my terms just-"

he sat up & grabbed your hands "hey hey bub. i know you're gonna kill this! i saw some of the choreography when you were in the basement practicing! you've got this"

you sighed "i hope so. i just don't need this stress you know? i'm sorry i snapped.."

nick smiled "hey i get it, i'll shower then be down in 15 to eat those amazing smelling pancakes yeah?"

you smiled "thank you"

nick kisses you "you're welcome"

as nick was showering you were running through the choreography by yourself one last time, just to make sure it was perfect.

nick came back down after the 3-4th time you ran over it "bubby. it's perfect. don't stress yourself too much remember"

you nod "i know i just. i can't help it sometimes."

nick nods "i know. but. i'll be there, right beside you the whole time! you've got it"

you nod "yeah. i got it. you ready?"

nick nods "just gotta do my hair, but my products are in the bathroom down here still & then i'll be all good to do!"

you smiled ruffing nick's hair "thank you. i love you"

nick smiled kissing you softly before doing his hair "i love you more"

you both grabbed a pancake for road and drove to the studio. realistically, y'all only live 20 minutes away from the dance studio but, the traffic has a mind of its own.

you got into the dance studio. you ran through the whole choreography with nick once before the students arrived "baby you killed it!"

you smiled "you're my boyfriend, you're supposed to say that, but thank you"

nick smiled "seriously though. they're gonna love it! i love you"

you smiled "i love you more! hey when they get here, if you see people struggling can you kinda work one on one with them just to-"

nick smiled softly as he cut you off "improve their confidence, i got you bub"

you smiled softly.

everyone arrived, class ran for about an hour & 45 minutes. it was amazing. you were immediately surprised that it was such a good turn out and the fact most of the older kids actually listened. you loved every second of it.

you then decided that you & nick would take a class together once a week with newbies & then you would do your own for the professionals. it was a lot at first, but you both adore it and really wouldn't have it any other way, nick is also better at getting up before sunset so that's a win-win if ya ask me

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