you are more than just a friend... - n.m

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you and nick have been getting closer and closer of the last few months. due to the loss of your father. you were an only child. your mom passed about 6 months ago, then your dad passed away not long after you started to get closer to nick.

it's safe to say he was there to distract you.

you always got along with the boys, you spent more time there than you'd like to admit.

after the loss of your mom, your dad started to get violent, have girl after girl home and you just didn't want any of that cause in your eyes your mom was the only one you saw him with.

so you would stay over with the boys most weekends. sometimes even days after college.

you were living with your parents due to the fact it was cheaper and college was about only half an hour away.

it was a friday night. you had no class on the friday so you would have a long weekend with the boys.

it was a normal every week routine.

you would laugh, smile, joke, dance, sing, eat, sometimes cry with them. they were always there.

until one night it took an unexpected turn.

you and nick were alone. brandon and austin were cooking, edwin was out & zion was playing fortnite. so it was reasonably quiet.

nick looks at you "hey can. can we talk?"
you nod "yeah what's up? everything okay? normally it's me saying that. and most of the time it's followed by tears"
nick nods "i know but i just. i needa. you are more than just a friend"
you look at nick "this is kinda."
"out of the blue?" nick finishes your sentence
you nod "yeah. out of the blue"
nick nods "i know. but i have for awhile and i was gonna tell you a few months back but then your dad passed and we got closer and i didn't wanna ruin that"
you look at nick "ruin it? y'all are the reason why i made it out of mom's passing alive. i would of probably been hurt with the way dad was going.."
nick nods "i know.. it sucks it ended in him overdosing."
you sighed "yeah. but i was expecting it. it was a cheap drug but had worse effects than marijuana can."
nick nods "yeah bub"
you sighed "maybe i should of done something. i should have stopped. i could of. why didn't i"
nick kissed you to shut you up "it's not your fault"
you look at nick once you pull away "isn't it though?"
nick smiled "it's not. if you keep going on about it i won't kiss you again"
you nod "hm okay. maybe i'll shut up"
nick smiled "good" he kissed you once more "i can't be just friends"
you smiled "who said we had to be"

nick smiled "okay then. i'll take you out tomorrow. bright and early! do that hollywood hike that you've been wanting to do, have some breakfast, maybe a movie, bowling. whatever you want"
you smiled "friend nick asking?"
nick smiled "maybe after that it'll be boyfriend nick"
you smiled "hm don't push it"

you both laughed. it was special having him there. maybe it wasn't the best time for him to say something, but the fact that he waited until things settled really warmed your heart. he's a keeper that one

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