now you can write that melody you promised me - n.m

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you and nick have been talking on the internet for about a year and a half. but you've been serious for close to a year. 

you both facetime as often as possible. but being long distance isn't the easiest. especially when you're in texas & he's in LA.

the 3 hour time difference doesn't help either. because it feels like so much more. but. you decided you wanted to surprise him for y'all's one year of dating.


you didn't want him to know.

it was late

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it was late. the last stop of the tour before he was back in LA. he fell asleep on facetime with you. again.

so. you called out for one of the boys. you needed some help if you were to pull this off.

brandon & nick we're sharing a room. brandon was in on the whole plan.. nick? had no clue.

you ended up falling asleep as well as nick. then waking up around 6. but it was still 3am there. "bub i have to get up and get ready. i've got an early class today"
nick rubs his eyes "okay. i love you"
you smiled "i love you too! i'll call you later"
nick nods "sounds good"

you then hung up and made your way to the airport. it was friday. you land in 3 hours. which works good cause you're classes are normally that long. but the boys are due home at 4am saturday morning. it's gonna be close one.

it's now 8pm. you've been at the boys place for awhile & now decided to do some shopping: leaving it late is your specialty.

you brought a few pairs of shoes, some shorts that's he's had his eye on for awhile, some beats & a few champion hoodies, since you always say you're gonna steal his, might as well get some for you to steal. you then start wrapping,

the shorts first

"we know you've been waiting for these for awhile, so here you go. oh and turn around "

then. the shoes

"these are my favourites. so i thought i would get you some too x"

then. the champion hoodies

"we're always saying about how i'm gonna steal these from you, so i got more so i have more to choose from ;)"

then the headphones

"now you can write that melody you promised me & you can use these as you do so you always think of me"

then. the time came. the boys got home.

the shorts were a trick gift. to seem like it was from the boys. but they were all you.

nick walked in and brandon was behind filming "what's all this? you said present not presents" nick turns around
brandon nods "well open this!"

he hands him the shorts and he reads the note. he then turns around. you pop up

"surprise! happy one year bub!"

he picks you up and spins you around. he then opens all the presents with just the two of you.

"this is all for you. you work your ass off and deserve it more than anyone" you smiled before kissing him

nick smiled kissing you back.

"i love you"

it was definitely worth it!

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