your sister and i have our own thing sorted, so you stay out of it - e.h

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you and your twin brother at extremely close. you both lost your parents very young, so you only grew up with your twin christian & your older sister lauren & your aunt.

christian has always always been over protective of you. even running around your backyard he would chase after you to get you to slow down, to be careful. he would always get you to text him when you're due home and how far away you'd be. because since your parents both passed in a car crash, it's just how he's been ever since, which is understandable.

until one day. things didn't go.. well didn't go the way you planned.

you invited ed over to meet christian...

your aunt adored him as she was the first to meet him.. christian? well the same can't be said for him.

christian and edwin has just finished going off at each other. so. you took edwin up to your room to distant him from christian.

you sighed "ed. please just try.. you know how much my family means to me.."
you sighed again "well what's left of it anyways."
edwin grabs onto your hands "babe, i'm trying. he's not easy to get along with"
you look at edwin "he's my twin. i've known the dude for 19 years.. i know that better than anyone"
edwin nods "i know it's just not easy. your aunt is so sweet & its easy with her. but it's not with christian"
you sighed as your aunt texts you "since you're at home love can you pick up something for dinner the next few nights? i'll be home later tonight. work is crazy. thank you❤️"

you read the text and sigh.

then look at ed "take this. my aunt wants me to go get a few groceries. so. take this opportunity to talk to him... please. for me"

edwin nods "okay. only for you."

you nod "good."

you walk downstairs and past christian "chris, i'm gonna go get a few groceries, i'll be about 20. please don't kill him"
christian nods "yes ma'am"

christian had been sitting on the sofa "she'll be back in 10. perfect for me to get to know him"
christian walks upstairs and into your room.

"edwin huh"

edwin nods "yes indeed"

christian scoffs "that's low even for her"

edwin looks at christian "huh?"

christian rolled his eyes

edwin stood up and walked over to christian in the doorway "look man. your sister and i got a good thing going... so. why don't you stay out of it" he had him pinned against the door

you were gone for half what you said you were. but. when you walked it. well. edwin was threatening christian.

"ed! drop him" you sighed

edwin let go of christian

you sighed "i wanted one thing. JUST ONE. unbelievable"

edwin sighed "bub.."

christian just stood in silence

you sighed "nah i don't wanna hear it. ed go home. i'll text you. christian. out"

as much as you didn't wanna talk to either of them, you knew you couldn't let ed leave like that.

you sighed "what actually happened."

edwin sighed "i was tryna be nice, he scoffed, said 'that's low even for her' then well i lost"

you look at christian "unbelievable"

you sighed and kissed edwins cheek " i love you. i'm sorry. i'll see you tomorrow at yours, yeah?"
edwin nods "yeah bub"

he then headed home.

let's just say. you and edwin hung out at his place all the time now & let's just say, you never mentioned ed's name around your house again. due to christians reaction. but. you got to stay with ed. that's all you could of asked for.

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