sometimes that isnt enough - z.k

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you and zion have been on the rocks the last few weeks, relationship wise. you're boyfriend and girlfriend. but the last few weeks it hasnt been easy.

you sighed "i'm sick z. i don't. i don't want to be fighting."
zion sighed "neither do i! but that's facts"
you sighed "i didn't cheat on you. i was in fucking hospital!"
zion shrugs "whatever" and walked back up to his room.

you sighed softly "i'll just go back home then. ya know to the person that put me in hospital in the first place..."

your best friend. joseph has been abusing you. for awhile. you kept it on the low. until you were hospitalised. he broke your ribs, arm, shoulder & left your face, legs & stomach extremely bruised. he ran out & your neighbor found you & called the ambulance.

you were in hospital for 3 days & actually ended up having surgeries on your arm & shoulder due to extremely bad breaks & dislocation.

but. zion didn't believe any of it.

edwin sighed "you can't go back y/n"

you sighed "i can't stay here either. it seems like the one person who i really need right now who is meant to be my boyfriend couldn't give a shit."

edwin sighed "you know that's not true"

you shrug "i don't know what's true or not now ed. he thought i was lying about being in the hospital and was cheating on him with joseph instead. you see why you were the only one i told i was beat by him in the first place?"

zion was standing at the top of the stairs "i didn't know. i didn't know he-"

you sighed "very badly. wasn't the first time, but this is the-"

he cut you off "i'm sorry i assumed you were cheating.. i should of asked more about it than just-"

you sighed "sometimes that isn't enough.. i'm fine now."

zion looks at you "y/n. you're not fine. you can't even get dressed yourself. you can't move your left arm whatsoever. you're staying here."

you sighed "not if i'm a burden."

zion shakes his head "no i didn't. you're not. the last thing i want is for you to go back and have him fucking hurt you this bad again. he could of killed you"

you nod "yeah, but he didn't. i just."

zion sighed and raised his voice "bub! you're staying here! no doubt about it! you're moving in. i'm not having you under everyone else's roof because who knows what you could happen. you're staying here.. whether you like it or not!"

you nod "please just.."

zion held onto your hands "i love you. i don't want and i won't let him hurt you again. not again. i shouldn't have let you near him in the first place."

you sighed "zion. he was my best friend. i don't think either of us saw it coming."

zion nods "yeah. but the guys your best friends too. they'd never hurt you."

you nod "yeah. and ed's like my brother. and i know he wouldn't hurt me. nor the others. but i thought the same about-"

edwin jumps in "i wouldn't hurt you. none of us will. we wouldn't have you here if we though one of us was gonna hurt you."

you nod "yeah. i guess that's true."

zion nods "so stay here. for as long as you need. for as long as you like. he'll move in. i love you."

you smiled "i love you too"

you both spent the night cuddling on the sofa. him reassuring that he's there for you. no matter what. it made you finally feel safe. which is all you wanted. you were beyond happy once you recovered

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