its all about you babe - z.k

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ever since you've met zion, you knew he wasn't one for being soft. it just wasn't how he showed affection, and you were okay with that because you're the biggest softie and he just levels it out for the both of you really.

you and zion have been friends for 4 years, just before PM started. you met a local mcdonald's, trashy but, it was a day you'll never forget. both of you.

but, you've only been together for 2 years. it's actually 2 days before your anniversary.

you had no idea what to get him, you thought you'd have a lot of time, because zion always waits til the day to get you something. but you were wrong this year.

zion sat up wiping his eyes as he poked you softly "y/n wake up"

you wipe your eyes and roll over to zion "yeah? what time is it?"

zion smiled "6am" he said through a yawn

you look at zion "what are we doing awake?"

zion smirks "well it's all about you sooo i've got you something for our anniversary!!"

you smiled "bub i can't wait to open it but it's early. can i go back to sleep and have you give to me in a few days instead? on our actually anniversary?"

zion smiled softly "no no. it's here today so i want you to have it today!"

you look at zion "seriously z. what are you up to?"

he reaches into his bedside table and pulls out this big box wrapped in gold paper

you gasped "z.. you didn't have t-"

zion smiled "yeah i did. open it"

you start to open the box. it was a camera. not any camera. but your dream camera. you've got a canon powershot at the moment, you love it, but in order to advance your photos and skills you need a newer, better & improved camera.

you look at zion "bub.." your voice breaks a little

zion smiled "i know i'm not one for the soft stuff. but i remember how much you said you wanted a new camera when we went on our first date and goofed around in target. this is better than the one you spotted the-"

you look at zion "bub literally the best canon camera on the market.. you didn't have to do this.." you wipe your eyes

zion takes your hands "yeah, i did. i wanted to. you deserve it! in fact"

you look at zion "that's a long pause.. you're normally up to no good when it's a long pause"

zion smiled "hey hush! this is good long pause! we're gonna go down to the beach to take some photos! have a lil photo shoot! the guys are getting ready now!"

you smiled softly "but i'm not good enough to-"

zion cut you off again "don't start this okay. you are good enough to take our photos and so is this camera! come on! the battery is already charged, you just have to put in your memory card!"

you nod "okay okay"

you then kissed zion "hey thank you bub"

zion smiled softly after he kissed you back "you're very welcome! happy two day early anniversary"

you spent the day at the beach shooting for the boys both photos & videos! they even took some photos of you and zion for you too! it was a really good day! you really couldn't of asked for more! considering your anniversary is still 2 days away, it was a shock but one that you'll forever love & remember!!

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