"a lot of fathers break their daughters heart before any man can." - z.k (long)

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you've had your walls up for as long as you can remember.

your father left when you were about 2. you were young, but you remember it like it was yesterday.

new year's eve. your friends lily & luca who happen to be twins. want to take you out so you can ideally have a new year's kiss. kissing a stranger? not your thing. but. it's lily & luca so it wasn't a surprise that they wanted to go out. but. you said yes anyways.

you got to the show. it was a countdown concert in the local park. live music, food & of course the countdown & fireworks

you get there.

walk around a bit & bump into these 5 guys.
you could tell you caught one of their eyes, but. you didn't wanna act on it. due to everything your dad has done.

but. he approached.

"hey! i'm zion. i'm about to perform, do you wanna come hang out back stage then spend the night together?"

you shrug "i ah. i can't."

lily & luca nod "actually yeah she can!" luca jumps in

you look at luca "thanks for that one"

luca smirks "anytime"

you walk off and zion performs. which he wasn't bad at. took you by surprise tbh. but you knew you weren't ready.. or? did you?

zion came off the stage. you ran up and hugged him "you killed that!"

you sighed as you then tensed up and pulled away as zion hugged back.

"you okay?" zion looks at you

you nod "yup."

the boys new something wasn't right. so. nick jumped in

"you can trust him. you can trust all of us"

you sighed "maybe. it's not y'all though. trust me on that one"

you walked maybe 8 feet away before you felt a hand grab onto you. yup. zion.

"i know you well enough already to know that there's something going on in that mind of yours"

you sighed "maybe. but. it's nothing."

zion shrugs "if it causes you to tense up that much.. it's something y/n."

you sighed releasing yourself from zion's grip as you then started to walk away "a lot of fathers break their daughters hearts before any man can.."

but. zion wasn't dropping it. so he grabbed your arm again


zion shakes his head "we'll spend the rest of the night together. if you hate me by midnight, you can return to your friends like nothing happened.."

you look at zion and nod "okay fine."

you started to ease up once you were around all of the guys. it was odd. the more that we're around you. the better you felt.

11:45pm; you decided to pull zion away from the others

zion looks at you "we can stay around them if it helps"

you shake your head "no i think you deserve a moment of just us & not the others cramming your style"

zion smiled softly "thank you"

you smiled as you and zion got talking. the countdown began. midnight was about 3 seconds away. you both lent in & kissed. as you pulled away, the fireworks started to set off.

zion pulled away "times up"

you smiled "you never said what would happen if we made it past midnight. the clock says 12:02"

zion smiled softly "pass me your phone" he took a silly selfie & added his number in it. then handed it back, you did the same in zion's phone "call me once you've gotten some rest, then we can go out for brunch or something"

you nod "sounds like a plan"

you headed home with the twins & updated them on everything on the way back. later that day you woke up to many many texts from zion. he missed you. it made you feel all warm & loved. something you've never really felt. you guys got really close really fast but it was good because it was a bond that no one could break.

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