stuck in the snow - n.m

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you were back in new jersey with nick meeting his family for the first time as his girlfriend. as always, you were very nervous. but, it's something you can't wait to do.

you get there and spend time meeting the family and have dinner.

then, it started to pour with snow.

you smiled just standing at the window watching the snow fall. you're from a state that doesn't see a lot of snow, so it was a first. you were in love with it.

nick smiled softly "we could go play in it?"

you smiled ear to ear " PLEASE!"

nick giggled "go chuck on my spare coat, and we will!"

you smiled and got some track pants on & nicks jacket and ran outside.

nick stood inside and looked at you for a little "how'd i get so lucky?"

nicks brother chris smiled looking at him "keep her bro.. not something small yeah?"

rob jumps in "it better last. we say this cause we love you but we don't want you with another girl that it's just gonna end in 6 months"

nick nods "i know. i don't want that either"

the guys nod "exactly. so do your best to keep her yeah?"

nick nods "thanks for ganging up on me there. y'all are just as bad as the guys"

chris smiled "we all just want you happy little bro"

rob nods "now go be out there with your girl!"

you and nick had a snowball fight, chased & tackled each other around in the snow just had a really good time. you tripped over and landed right onto nick "you having fun?"

you smiled "it couldn't be better"

nick smiled softly as he kissed you causing a "ewww" to come from inside.

you look at nick "how fast can you make 10 snowballs?"

nick smirks "i like the way you think babe"

you both quickly made some snowballs and threw them all at a nicks brothers who then rushed out and started to throw them at y'all too. you and nick teamed up and so did his brothers. you and nick won, but it was all really fun.

you all walk in and get out of the wet clothes "hot cocoa?" rob smiled

"me!" you and nick said at the same time

chris smiled "y'all really are one person hey"

you and nick nod

nick smiled "cuddles by the fire?!"

you nod "100%!"

you both laid down by the fire and just cuddled until you warmed up enough to head back up to his room and watch movies.

or well that was the plan.

you both fell asleep.

but of course, rob & chris were still awake.

"cold water!" they said at the same time as they grabbed a bucket and poured it over both you and nick

you jumped up and look at nick then at rob & chris and back at nick "permission to kill?"

nick nods "granted. i'll take rob"

you nod and got up and ran straight for chris

after chasing them around the house for a solid 20 minutes they surrendered and went to bed, and so did you and nick.

you smiled softly "today was perfect"

nick smiled kissing your forehead "definitely couldn't of gone better that's for sure! they love you"

you smiled "and i love you"

you kiss nick before you both hop into bed and call it a night.

it was one of the best days you've had in a long time and it was very needed. turns out, new jersey ain't all that bad

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