i wish i could unsay the words i said - z.k

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you've been through a lot in your life.. a lot. you cheated on your boyfriend andrew, with zion. you weren't proud of it, but, you and andrew had a lot of problems before hand. and, after he found out you cheated, he admitted that he was doing the same.

so, you separated and both moved on. you then became offical with zion. it's been about 6 months. you were at a party of a mutual friend brooklyn, and you were sitting on a bed talking to another guy. but. zion automatically thought the worse...

he wanted advice on how to know when the right moment is to propose and he came to you for it. but. it didn't seem that way to zion... obviously.

"you ever been in love? and how do you know you've found the one you're gonna spend the rest of your life with?" he smiled

you nod "i have been in love. but the first time it didn't end well and i am again. and i think i will spend-"

"you cheated on your boyfriend with me! you really think i'm gonna  believe you didn't do the same with me?!" zion snaps as he walks in and punches andrew

you sighed softly looking at zion then at andrew then back at zion "caleb! what the hell was that?!"

zion knows that when you use his "legal name" he calls it, that it's serious shit.

zion looks at you "hm! you tell me y/n!!"

you sighed "he was asking me for advice!"

zion looks at andrew who was nodding and holding his face then back at you. "wait.."

you sighed and mumbled "you're unbelievable z..." as you walked off

zion looks at you and runs after you "babe.."

you sighed. and just paused as you were walking "you thought i was cheating! can't i have a private conversation with a guy?! you thought i was cheating zion."

zion nods "well yeah i did! you were alone in a room with another guy. how could i not?!"

you then sighed "zion. he wanted to talk in there so his girlfriend didn't hear us because he was planning on proposing tonight, and he wanted my help"

zion looks at you "maybe he deserved the smack though"

you look at zion "all he did was ask a girls perspective.. and he was gonna show me the ring but i bet if he did you would of killed him hey? thinking i was marrying another guy? zion.. it's."

zion nods "childish i know. but i don't want to lose you. i know you cheated on andrew and he cheated on you, but i don't want that to happen with us"

you sighed "it wouldn't. because i love you. we don't fight 24/7 and you're not abusive towards me like he was. during that time, you were my escape. i would never let that go..."

zion hugged you "i'm sorry for thinking the worst of the situation"

you then nods "but it's not me you should be saying sorry to, i'm not the one that got smacked"

zion nods and walks over to andrew "hey man. i'm sorry. i miss-read the situation. but, congratulations"

andrew nods "thank you. now can y/n keep helping me?"

zion nods and then kisses your forehead "i'll see you later babe"

you helped andrew propose to brooklyn, who said yes. and you couldn't of been happier for them. zion's reaction was bad but at least it showed that he cares

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