cause you're lying under someone new.. - e.h (long)

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you and edwin have been off and on a lot, it's your normal honestly. although you're on and on so much, it has never affected how well you get along so well.


lately you've gotten closer with your neighbour, hunter. and well. one thing led to another and y'all have hooked up a few times. you try keep it on the low, but hunter doesn't. he likes to brag to everyone. one night he.. he decides to brag to edwin... but the timing couldn't get worse..

you were having a party for your 20th. and it was going pretty well, from your perspective. you were sitting down talking with your best friend violet, just catching up, since she lives back home whilst you live in LA.


hunter had had a few drinks and he approached edwin "y/n and i have been getting really close if you know what i mean" he then smirked

edwin looked at hunter confused

hunter smirks "you know what i mean.. we've been hooking up a lot lately"

edwin clinches his jaw "good on you bro"

hunter smirks "well she's not good on you is she"

edwin went to take a step forward when austin grabbed onto him "walk away.."

edwin then nods and walks away. then 45 minutes later, hunter came back to annoying edwin.

"she left you for me, must hurt hey"

"what an upgrade that was"

"must suck to lose someone so amazing in the public eye, bet you never hear the end of it"

edwin clinches his fist "yeah,, like i'm never hearing the end of this conversation"

hunter smirks "that getting you huh"

edwin looks at hunter "and what exactly is the point of this conversation?"

hunter smirks "to get on your nerves, get you to beat my ass so i can prove you fucked up. cause she won't drop the idea that it was her fault y'all ended things"

edwin rolled his eyes "unbelievable"

you then saw the two of them arguing and walk over to them "everything okay?"

edwin nods "hm. just fine" austin then grabs onto edwin as they walk away.

you took one look at hunter who was smirking like crazy. you knew something was up, so you went over to edwin "what's really going on?"

edwin sighed "don't give me that "what's really going on bullshit."

you look at edwin confused "i really have no clue what you're-"

"i'm lying when i talk to you because you're lying under someone knew!" edwin blurts out

you look at edwin then at austin then back at edwin "ed.."

edwin sighed "no, okay. don't give me that "ed" sweet tone. i needa go."

you sighed as he walked off and looked at austin who was just nodding. you followed. by now he was outside the front door "edwin stop."

edwin turned around "what now? you gonna tell me you love him? that he's more than me? than i'll ever be and ever was? that i'm the real reason you're all over hunter because you wanna prove to me it was my fault how we ended?"

you sighed "no, edwin. that wasn't my idea at all."

"well i'm dying. wanna tell the truth.. i'm not over you. i never will be" edwin sighed

you ran over to edwin and just hugged him "where did you hear all those things?"

edwin sighed "hunter"

you clinched your fist then grabbed onto edwin's hand "follow me back inside. you're gonna wanna see this."

you walked back inside and over to hunter "you really tried to turn this all on him? i thought you were a good guy hunt. that we were good. but if you're that much of an asshole that it just sounded like you are, then i don't know why i even looked you at you. you know how heartless you have to be to try make someone think they ended everything they've ever needed and wanted?"

hunter rolls his eyes "so he said you're all he's ever needed and wanted huh? bunch of cheez-its!."

edwin nods "i did"

you then let go of edwin's hand to punch hunter right in the face "been holding that in for sometime... off you go"

hunter then left the party, you and edwin laughed, talked, cried, smiled, the night away. it went so well.

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