i let my guard down and you pulled the rug! - e.h (long)

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you and edwin have always been really close, from day one. but in 9th grade y'all had an argument, by the next semester it was the same again. and once you were about to graduated the whole band thing came about it was hard doing long distance when they were lowkey. but, once people started to find them a few years ago, you moved out to LA.

it was a big step for you, moving out of NY where you had lived your whole life and away from everything. but, you had edwin. that's all you really needed.

well. you thought you had edwin.

you went over to the boys place for nick's birthday. you couldn't find edwin. but when you found him, you thought it was best to talk about what happened in 9th grade.

you sighed "i know we said we wouldn't talk about the past, but i think we should. us holding this baggage isn't gonna help us in the long run"

edwin nods "what's up?"

you sighed softly "i know what happened."

edwin looks at you confused

"the whole make out practice thing with rebecca?"

edwin smiled as he chuckled a little.

you sighed "i let my guard down and you pulled the rug!! then and now. you really think i'm not gonna think you're doing that shit again now that there's groupies everywhere?!"

edwin looks at you "y/n.."

you pause "what?"

edwin sighed "she was a cheerleader and ruled the school. if i turned her down then no one would of looked at me the same."

you sighed "no one? i would of.."

edwin nods "yeah. i know that... well now i do."

you sighed "i was so in love with you edwin. i would of always been there for you. loved you for you. hell, i didn't pack things up and move just for the fun of it."

edwin sighed "and i know that now.. i just wish i knew what i know now then"

you sighed softly "i wish you did too. maybe then things would of been different from the start"

edwin looks at you

you sighed "i mean, then you wouldn't of hurt me the way you did.. i just don't want that to happen again. i can't have it happen again. i adore you edwin. from the start. i just don't want us to end up where we were. or where i was. i love you. but. not again."

edwin nods as he sighed "i know. i wish i could of not done what i did, and that you didn't have to see it also. but, it happened. and i can't apologise enough for it but i can also assure you that it won't happen again. and i mean ever again."

you look at edwin "i want to believe you but how do i know you won't?"

edwin looks at you "i guess you just have to take my work for it. i don't know how to-" he then paused "actually yeah, i do"

he then ran upstairs. you looked around at the boys confused. you had no clue what was going on.

edwin came down with a cute little box. it had written on it "the love of my life"

you look at edwin "ed.."

he then handed you it.

you open it.
your jaw drops

edwin smiled softly "i brought you this the last semester of 9th grade but i never gave it to you

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edwin smiled softly "i brought you this the last semester of 9th grade but i never gave it to you. it's the sun, the moon & all its stars cause that's what you mean to me"

you look at edwin "why now?"

edwin sighed "i thought i lost it when i moved back in 9th grade. but, i found it when i was moving back out here" he then smiled "so i want you to have it"

you smiled "you sure?"

edwin nods "yes. i've never been more sure."

you smiled "okay"

edwin smiled softly as he was placing the necklace on you "i love you so much. i promise nothing is gonna come between us again"

you nod and smiled "okay, i love you too"

you then posted a photo of the necklace "at least he's gonna be with me wherever he goes 🥰❤️"

and the comments you got warmed your heart. it showed you that not only does edwin care for you so so so much but so do the fans. and that's all you ever wanted

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