this isnt enough for me.. - b.a

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"this isn't enough for me.." brandon looks at you

you sighed "i've known you my whole life and now you decide this isn't enough?!"

brandon smiled "nah that's not what i meant"

you look at brandon confused as ever

brandon looks at you "y/n. will you be my girlfriend?"

you look at brandon "wait for real?!"

brandon nods "yes, for real"

you look at brandon "what about the boys? what about the fans? your sister?"

brandon smiled "babe. they all love you. they always have!"

you nod "then yes. i'll be your girlfriend"

brandon smiled and spun you around before kissing you

you smiled "so now what?"

brandon smiled "dinner and a movie then we'll tell the boys & the fans on live"

you nod "sounds perfect"

you and brandon ordered pizza and spent a good few hours watching a movie before the boys' noticed something wasn't right.

"have you seen b?" nick looks at the others
zion shrugs "nah no close"
"austin? ed?" nick looks at them
edwin smiled "he went up to his room as soon as y/n got here"
austin looks at zion "but that's not like him though?"
nick adds "yeah they normally hang out down here with us"
zion smirks "or they're doing something else"
nick smiled "z!"
edwin and austin nod "i mean they don't normally go to his room"
nick rolls his eyes "y'all are too much"

you walk downstairs "thanks for that guys"

zion smirks "anytime"

brandon smiled "we just needed a moment that's all"

nick smiled "b you ain't helping what they're thinking ya know that right"

brandon nods "of course i do"

you smiled "we ate pizza, he asked me to be his girlfriend. then we watched a movie"

edwin looks at brandon "wait is there any pizza left?"

austin nods "oh yeah i could go for some pizza right now"

zion nods "yeah pizza sounds good!"

nick looks at the other 3, "how dumb are you guys... didn't you hear that they're official now!?"

zion smirks "we been knew"

you nod "glad to see y'all are exactly hey"

nick smiled "no no we are! the boys just had their own expectations i guess"

you nod "ah well. there is left over pizza. first one up there gets it"

austin, edwin and zion run upstairs for the pizza

you look at brandon and nick "don't you guys feed them?"

brandon giggles "you wouldn't think so babe"

nick smiled "believe it or not we do! but aw i'm happy for you guys!"

you smiled "thank you, nick. i'm glad someone could listen above all the food"

once the others got down you decided to go live with brandon.


read some of the comments

you smiled softly.

brandon smiled "beanz. meet my girlfriend. y/n"

you couldn't see a single comment that was negative. which was a weight lifted off your shoulder.

you and brandon spent a good 40 minutes on live, talking to the beanz and just having fun. wasn't a bad way to end a really good day.

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