i'd be lyin' if i said that i didn't mind that you left me scarred - b.a

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you and brandon ended things in high school, but being in the same industry doesn't make it easy. you bump into each other a lot.

which, doesn't make it easy. whatsoever. neither does the rough past y'all have either.

you were walking around the street when you bump into brandon

you stuttered "shit i'm sorry" you get really nervous around people. but when you realise it's b.. it turns different

brandon smiled "it's okay!" he then realised it was you. "y/n?! i didn't know you were back in LA!"

you nod "i am.. i didn't want anyone to know"

brandon itches his head "we need to talk..."

you sighed "b.. not now.."

brandon sighed "we do."

you sighed "fine."

we then walked over to the boys place. we sat down.

brandon sighed "i'd be lying if i said that i didn't mind that you left me scarred"

you sighed "that wasn't my intentions and you know it."

brandon shrugs "doesn't feel like it"

you sighed "we were young. i was going through hell and it all took a toll. i had no idea what i was doing nor did i know how much it was hurting you in the process.."

brandon sighed "well you should of."

you sighed softly "how can i fix this? fix us?"

brandon shrugs

you then sighed again "b.. i was young. hell we both were. we work in the same industry and now live in the same town.. i know LA is big but we can't avoid each other forever!"

brandon stood up and snapped "try me!"

you sighed.. safe to say that didn't go as planned.

nick then looks at you "it's just shook. he loves you"

you sighed "he's got a funny way of showing it.. which i know its rich coming from me but.. i love him. i always have and i always will. a quick kiss with someone isn't gonna change that."

nick looks at you "y/n. it's obviously more than just a kiss to him.. talk to him. maybe less yelling. go up and see him."

you then nod and walk up to b's room. "i was dumb. i get it. but i love you. i always have and i always will. i was going through a lot, he was at the party and it just happened. it meant nothing to me. a quick kiss. that's all it was"

brandon shrugs "looks like more than that to me.."

you then kissed brandon

"didn't look like that though..." he paused

you nod "exactly. that's because i care about YOU. and we should of had this conversation in high school."

brandon nods "i know. but it's just been so raw.. you were my first girlfriend"

you nod "i know. and i'm sorry i hurt you in the way i did but i love you b"

brandon smiled "i love you too"


you heard coming from downstairs and giggled

brandon smiled "you'll get used to that"

you nod "eventually"

you and b spent the rest of the day up in his room. watching movies, netflix, playing video games, laughing at each other's randomness. it was exactly what you missed in school. you missed moments like these. it made you think why you did what you did in the first place.

you look at brandon "i'm really lucky you forgave me. i don't know what i'd do if you didn't..."

brandon smiled "i love you. i was gonna forgive you. it just needed some time & some talking. but. now we're gonna be better than we've ever been" he then kissed your forehead

you nod "yeah, you're right!' i love you more"

it was a good ending. considering what you imagined at the beginning of the day, it went very very well.

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