no more dreamin' - b.a (long)

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you and brandon have talked about being together for awhile but never really acted on it. until..

you had the guys over at your place since they came over after one show they did in LA before a week break

you had been cooking and you spilled some pasta sauce on your shirt. so you went up to your room to change it. only for brandon to walk in when you have your shirt off. but obviously you had a bra on. "y/n we needa talk"

you look at brandon "i don't even have a shirt on"

brandon nods "fair point. put one on then we'll talk; or you'll distract me"

you nod and put on a top. then sit beside brandon on the bed

brandon looks at you "no more dreamin'..."

you look at brandon "you talk a lot, most of the time i can understand you.. this? not so much?"

brandon smiled "my point being, we should make us, well us"

you look at brandon "we are us"

brandon nods "yeah, we are to us. but to the public we're not. no more dreamin'"

you smiled "you sure about this?"

brandon takes your hands "it's cheesy i know. but i've never been more serious! i love you. i want the world to know about us, not just the guys!"

you smiled "i do too but b.. it was hard enough telling the guys. and what's gonna happen when you go back on tour after the week break y'all have here?"

brandon smiled softly "well..."

you look at brandon "i know you enough to know that well isn't a normally well.. what did you do?"

brandon smiled "babe. breathe. it's nothing bad!"

you look at brandon "is it really?"

brandon smiled "yes because i wasn't 100% honest with you"

you paused. slightly concerned. with 1000 things running through your brain "you? huh?" is all you could get out

brandon smiled "i mean we're not going back on tour. we're done for the year. we have to go over to london for an event but, you'll be coming with us for that! this is the perfect timing bub"

you look at brandon "you sure this is what you want? and the guys want?"

brandon smiled softly "hey. the guys can have their own opinions, they don't matter because they can't change it. this is what i want"

you smiled looking at brandon. you were starting o tear up. you then repeated his words "no more dreamin'"

brandon nods and he kisses you and pulls you into a hug "no more dreamin'! we can announce it whenever you're ready! but. i'm ready"

you smiled softly "if you are then i am.. well i'm not but. let's. let's do it anyways"

brandon smiled "you don't have to yet. remember there's no rush! we've kept it secret for 7 months, we can do it a few months longer if you need babe! this is all when you're comfortable"

you look at brandon "honestly.. a few more weeks would be good.. i kinda lost my breath a little when you said you were ready cause well. cause i'm not yet.. and i didn't-"

brandon cut you off "babe. you wouldn't lose me just because you weren't ready to go public. this is our relationship. we're in it together. i'm happy to wait"

you smiled and itched your head "can we? maybe just a few weeks?"

brandon smiled kissing your forehead "anything for you my love"

a couple days later y'all did a photo shoot with your best friend who is a photographer and she took some photos of you both. you used one of them to announce it a few weeks later. y'all announced june 15th even though y'all got together on december 15th.

brandon posted this on his instagram of the two of you

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brandon posted this on his instagram of the two of you. it melted your heart. no one has ever made you as happy as he does.

a blessing.

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