i didnt do it to hurt you y/n.. - b.a

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you and brandon have been somewhat close for about 8 months. you've hung out alone a few times, mostly it's with him & the guys and your friends but you have spent sometime alone too.

you've had a few rough moments. but, hasn't everyone. you met through your best friend jasmine who is very close with austin.

the guys recently started doing dance classes, so you went along to one, just to kinda feel it out. you were gonna go with jas, but you weren't sure if it was for you or not, and since jas is a dancer, it was probably best you'd go alone anyways.

you got to the class and started learning the choreography. when: this girl walks in.

"okay everyone! the next part is meant to be done as a duo. this is my girlfriend elena and she'll be dancing this part with me!"

you sighed. you didn't want to believe the words he was saying. you thought y'all were getting to a point where you will date. but. maybe you were just a fling for him...

a guy beside you looked at you "you wanna dance this part?-" he then looks at you again "hey, are you okay?"

you shake your head and run off. you were going to go to jas' but of course she was playing video games with aust, so you just went to the boys place.

you got there. you couldn't help but cry. you walked around looking jas, but when you couldn't find her, you walked out by the pool and just texted her to come down asap.

jas sat right beside you "y/n! what's up?!"
you sighed "i went to one of the dance classes..."

jas smiled "aw! how was it?!"

you sighed "well. it was great. until, he brought out this girl, for the next part & she introduced her as elena, his girlfriend"

jas sighed "y/n i'm sorry. i didn't know he had a girlfriend i'm sor-"

you sighed "don't be. it was my stupid idea for even going."

jas shakes her head "no it's not. did he notice you were there?"

you shake your head.

after a few hours, brandon comes back home. you ended up falling asleep on the sofa.

brandon and elena had been out drinking. we'll make that elena had been drinking. she insisted on going home with brandon. when he said no, she wasn't having it.

brandon crashes in with elena. "i said go home elena!"

elena shakes her head "nah. not gonna happen"

you peep over at them but only slightly

brandon sighed " you kissed another guy when i went the bathroom! i addressed you & you smacked me... you know that's not right."

elena shrugs "prob treated you better than y/n did on y'all's fling" she scoffed

brandon sighed "get the hell out!!!"

elena walked out.
brandon never yells.
of course it woke you up. "b? are you okay?"

brandon nods "yup."
he then rushed up to his room.

you look over at jas. but, she was asleep. that girl can sleep through everything.

you then decide to follow him. "b.."

brandon sighed softly

you sighed itching your forehead "i was. i was at the class..."

brandon looks at you "wait really?"

you nod "yeah. i was ah. i was beside jamie.."

brandon sighed "i'm sorry i was gonna say something to you but i just-"

"didn't want to hurt me? you did b. you really did. why were you with her? why did she say that shit about me? did i really treat you that-"

brandon then cut you off. "no. you didn't treat me bad at all. you never did. elena just kinda happened. then i didn't have the heart to tell anyone and she just kinda became a distraction more than a girlfriend."

you sighed "ah. so what was i?"

brandon sighed "i was gonna ask you on valentine's day to be my girlfriend. but. then elena came about."

you nod "do you ah?"

brandon nods "massively. i still love you. i won't stop. i know it now. i'm sorr-"

you sighed "stop saying sorry. just promise it won't happen again."

brandon nods "100% promise."

you nod "okay"

you both spent the rest of the night talking. it was bound time y'all did anyways. the elena situation just pushed it into perspective tbh. but. you both ended on the same page and were offical within a few months. win win.

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