cause i'm the only one tryna keep us together - n.m (loong)

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you and nick started off as friends and became offical about 8 months ago, it was perfect, at first. then 2 months ago he left to tour. he got back yesterday, and since then somethings changed when nick got back from tour.

and ever since then, it's been something different. you just can't put your finger on it but it's enough to make things different. you seem to really be the only one putting in effort.

you were laying in bed, it was about 1pm. you had a long shift at work so you were sleeping in. you got a text from brandon "hey! we're back from tour! come over, we miss you!"

you sighed "you realise for all of you to miss me, one of you has to have actually spoken to me with more than two sentences in the last two months."

brandon replies "i'm sure he's put in more effort than that. he's been glued to his phone."

you sighed "🤷🏼‍♀️ well it obviously hasn't been talking to me."

brandon then replied "just come over! i haven't seen you in months, you're my best friend too remember. i miss having you around so much!"

you nod "fine. but if nick's home it's gonna be weird."

brandon nods "okay. you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to"

you reply "okay" then lock your phone and head for a shower

nick was coming downstairs at the boys place. he grabbed his keys "right i'm off"

brandon looks nick "where to?"

nick rolled his eyes "i'm doing some shopping the  getting something to eat. if you must know"

brandon nods "okay" he then texted you "it won't be awkward. nick's just left"

you got out of the shower and sighed. thinking he left just because you were coming over.

you got to the boys place after you were all caught up with everything that happened during tour, brandon decided to pull you out onto the roof alone to talk. it's where y'all would always talk.

you sighed "i just had an 7 hour shift b. i'm not exactly in a talking mood"

brandon looks at you "i live with the guy and you're being really quiet around here and on social media. something is up, whether you wanna admit it or not.. i can tell."

you sighed softly and then burst out "cause i'm the only one that's tryna keep us together when all the signs say that i should forget him" you start to fell yourself tearing up

brandon sighed "y/n.."

you sighed "we were perfect as friends, and even before tour, but as soon as he left for tour.. things changed. and i know it can be busy. but if he had enough time be as active on socials as he was, then he had time to text me back more than once a month." you wipe the tear that just fell down your face

brandon looks at you "you know what he's like when he gets into his passion. it's nothing personal, especially when it comes to you"

you sighed "then why does it feel like it?"

brandon smiled "if it was that way, then why would he constantly be asking about you? and when you were coming to a show? checking up on seeing if you were okay? he cares for you. it's just nick.. he's not always the best at showing it"

you itch your head "function tour we were okay.. we were no different.. why is this one so different?"

brandon shrugs "i don't know y/n. that's something you'll have to ask him yourself. he went out to get a late lunch and do some shopping so he should be home soon"

you nod "okay"

you then look at brandon "i might drive down to the skatepark to have a skate first. to clear my head. so i don't kill him.."

brandon nods "good idea. i'll let you go"

you then went down to your car and headed off to the skatepark. you got to the park and skated for a good 30 minutes before you headed back to the boys.

you walk back in and nick was sitting in the sofa.


you avoid looking at him "hey"

nick sighed "we gotta talk."

you nod.

you head up to his room so you could talk alone.

nick sighed "i'm sorry"

you sighed "i need more than that.."

nick nods "i know. and i want to give you more than that"

you sighed "then why did things with us change so much this tour? when the last one was a breeze compared to this?"

nick sighed as he mumbled "well cause i love you now"

you look at nick "huh?"

nick nods "i didn't know how to handle it, what i was feeling. it was completely different than when i've been in love in the past, so i had no idea what was going on and i distant myself so i wouldn't hurt you."

you look at nick "you did though"

nick nods and takes your hands "i know. i'd be completely surprised if you weren't. i love you."

you nod "i love you too"

nick smiled softly "yeah?"

you nod.

nick then smiled "this might be the first time to give you these"

he then grabbed a shoe box from his closest.

it was the shoes you had your eyes on for the longest time.

nick smiled softly as you opened the box "we were on tour when i brought them and it was for your birthday. so, i thought i'd give them to you now, not only to say sorry but because i know you love them"

you smiled softly kissing nick.

nick smiled softly as he kissed you back.

you both got over it all, and sorted things out. it was hard, but b was always right. it was what you needed to hear and you're glad it was over and done with and things could go back to how they were.

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