maybe i can't unlove you! - z.k (long)

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you and zion have been through a lot. you dated back when the band was not long put together. and you split up about 10 months ago, so almost a year ago.

you still talk, but it's not like it used to be. you literally get asked every single day about when you're gonna get back together, what happened, do you still talk, do you still have feelings for him etc. it would piss you off but at the same time.. you didn't really know the answer yourself.

you have the same friend group as zion, but you try to avoid being around them all at once you don't have a run in with zion. but. one of your best friends tessa has a different idea..

tessa smiled "come on y/n! we haven't been to a party together in ages! come onnnn"

you look at tessa "tess. i don't feel up to it. i just wanna watch movies all day"

tessa smiled "you need a day out. you haven't been in awhile!"

you look at tessa "i went out yesterday.."

tessa nods "yes. to get our groceries. come on! it'll be fun!"

you look at tessa "you don't normally bug me this much about a party.. whose is it?"

tessa smirks "just a friends!"

you look at tessa "you're not gonna drop this are you?"

tessa shakes her head "no i will not"

you nod "okay fine. i'll come"

tessa smiled softly "yaaaay!"

you shake your head as tessa went upstairs to get ready, you then got ready.

you came downstairs and head off to the party. very unsure of what to expect.

tessa smirks "goodluck" she then went the opposite way

i look at tessa "tess-" she had already gone off.

then i see zion approach "y/n! what are you doing here?!"

you shrug "i honestly don't know"

zion smiled "well, why don't you stay here? catch up?"

you shrug "it's been a lot the last almost year, zion. i don't know."

zion smiled "i know. it's a lot."

you sighed "it is. but. i just. i don't know."

zion smiled "i didn't even say anything y/n. i'm sorry."

you sighed "it was a mutual agreement i guess. but it was a lot harder than i expected"

zion nods "me too.."

zion then pulled out his phone. it was still the wallpaper y'all had set when you were together. he showed you.

you look at zion "z..."

zion then pulls you into a more quiet place. just outside by the front door. he sat down "i know what you're thinking but.. maybe i can't unlove you!"

you smiled softly and pulled your phone out too. it was the same wallpaper "maybe i can't unlove you either"

zion smiled just pulling you into a hug

you smiled "it's been awhile.."

zion smiled "it has.. but ah. maybe we could go on a date? like a proper one?"

you smiled "z.. i don't. i don't know if-"

zion then kissed you "it's the right thing"

you kissed back. you didn't think twice about it either. it just felt so right.

you pull away from zion "okay. one date"

zion smiled "sounds perfect to me"

you smiled softly

zion then smiled "shall we get back to the party?"

you nod and follow zion back in. hand in hand.

tessa saw you walk in with him hand in hand and smiled softly and gave you a thumbs up

you spent the night with zion. partying. laughing. dancing. smiling. and one thing lead to another. you woke up beside him. in bed.

you wanted to take off, ignore it before he even woke up but you couldn't. so, you rolled over and went back to sleep.

before you knew it zion was waking you up with a kiss. you smiled as you kissed him back

zion then pulled away and smirked "last one down stairs has to cook breakfast"

you smirked back and then you both chased each other downstairs

you got there just before him.

so, he ordered food from iHOP.

you smiled "you were meant to cook it z"

zion smiled softly "we both know that wouldn't go well, so iHOP is a safe bet"

you smiled and laughed a little "you're not wrong there"

you ate breakfast together before you went to work at the local cafe. it was a really good time. safe to say, you owe tessa one and that maybe the time between you & zion only brought the two of you closer when you finally weren't too scared to act upon it

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