come on baby let me rock withchu - n.m

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you and nick met a club when he was on tour. you had just gotten dumped by your boyfriend joey. y'all had been together for 18 months. he cheated on you with your best friend rosie. so you were furious & broken at the same time.

you decided you'd drink it all away. well try to.. you're only 20, but you live in canada so it's legal.

you were sitting at the bar and had a good few drinks before you started to get a little off.

nick stood beside you and ordered some drinks for the guys and looked at you as the bartender was making them "you okay?"

you sighed "i don't need some random guy checking up on me! if you've been sent by joey just tell him i'm fine and leave me alone!"

nick looks at you "i don't know anyone named joey.. and are you sure you're okay?"

you sighed "well i'm sorry i snapped"

nick smiled "it's okay! what are you drinking? i'll buy you a drink?"

you nod "just a beer. think i've had enough tequila & whisky for now"

the bartender nods "smart idea"

the bartender handed nick the boys drink and you the drink he brought you.

nick smiled "come celebrate with us! we just finished tour & we're having a celebration! cmon baby let me rock witchu! it'll be funnn!" he then pointed over to the guys

you look at nick and where the guys were. you sighed "i appreciate the offer but i think i'd rather be alone right now"

nick placed his hand on your shoulder "okay. but we'll be over there if you change your mind!"

you nod and smiled softly

you looked at the bartender who was smiling

the bartender smiled "he seemed sweet"

you shrug "they all start that way"

the bartender looks at you and then looks over at nick and the guys "you were hurt, but don't let that get in the way of you being happy"

you then chug the rest of your beer and walk over to the guys. but, you being drunk and walking doesn't really mix. you ended up bumping into nick causing him to fall down and you landing on top on him

you tried to get up "i'm sorry"

nick smiled "it's fine. just stay there til you get your breath back"

you nod

nick looks at you as you sit up "do you hurt anywhere?"

you shake your head "my pride.. but other than that. just a couple of my fingers"

nick nods "let's get you checked out and a little sobered up"

you shake your head "no, i'm fine."

nick looks at you and helps you up "let me remind you that you can hardly walk.. your fingers are extremely swollen. you need help."

you nod "okay fine."

brandon looks at you "i'll get mags to drive y'all! you want me to come?"

nick smiled "it's okay, we've got it"

brandon nods softly and gives maggie the keys.

you lent on nick as he took you to the car. they checked you out at the hospital and checked your fingers.

the doctor looked at you then at nick "they're both broken.. we need to cast your wrist and pinky and ring fingers"

nick nods "okay. thank you man"

you sighed softly looking at nick as the doctor walked out "i'm sorry for bumping into you."

nick looks at you "it's okay. you're drunk"

you sighed softly "i guess. but i'm an idiot"

nick sighed "no you're not. you're hurt."

you sighed "my fingers. yes. but it doesn't matter..."

nick sighed "it does. it hurt you.. he hurt you."

you sighed "he had other plans. i didn't. shit happens. i felt like i would be more.. i don't know. he cheated on me with my best friend. my fucking best friend. not only did i lose him but i lost my best friend."

nick sighed as he kissed you to shut you up

you pulled away "that wasn't.."

nick nods "i'm sorry. i shouldn't have done it but i didn't know a better way to shut you up.."

you sighed "i felt more then that i did with joey.."

nick looks at you "really?"

you sighed "yes..."

nick took your hands. well hand.

nick looks at you "it's okay... let me take you home."

you sighed and nod "okay fine"

nick took you home and wouldn't let you go until he knew you were sobered up. he was really sweet and there for you the whole time. considering how you felt 24 hours or even 4 hours before that, it made you happy.

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