will you be my girlfriend? - a.p

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austin is very artistic, and everyone who knows him knows that. it's no secret. but. now that he's more into & focused on music, the art has became more of a side hobby, which upsets you because you know just how much he adores it.

you were laying in bed with austin. day before valentine's day. "plans today?" he smiled
you smiled "ah not too sure! you?"
austin smiled "i kinda have rehearsals"

you sighed "aust. this is meant-"
austin nods "i know bub. but we're all free. we might as well make the most of it. i'm sorry"

you nod "okay"

he kissed you before he got up to get ready.

you sighed looking at the paintings & drawings he had done that you had hung a few on the wall "when are you gonna get back into-"

austin looks at you "bub if you say drawing."

you nod "then that'll be the end of that conversation. yeah aust i know i just. i miss it"

austin nods "me too. but i don't have time bub. i'm sorry"

he kisses you again. "i have to go. i love you!"

you smiled "love you too."

he walked out. you flicked through the drawings he had in a box that he had tucked away.

y'all are best friends and are dating. but. no one knows: not really y'all either. it's kinda a down low thing. and just see if it happens. you know?

but. austin had other plans.

he got back to the boys place "right! project y/n starts now!"

the boys smiled "let's do it!" zion smiled

nick then smiled "how has she not worked it out yet? she can normally pick up on everything"

austin nods "'i'm just as surprised as you. but. i'm glad she hasn't."

all the boys started to work on a painting for you. it was gonna be a valentine's present. austin had already asked you to be his valentine about a week or so ago, so now he was just working on the gift. but he wanted it to be more than just chocolates and roses. so.

valentine's day then arrives.

austin placed in front of the bed some chocolates and roses "happy valentine's day baby!"

you smiled "aw austin you didn't have to!"

austin nods "i did! one more thing" he then hands you the canvas.

you unwrap it "aust..."

austin smiled softly

you wipe your eyes "it's. yes. i'll be your girlfriend"

you hugged austin and wiped his tears as you both pulled away.

you smiled down at it "i love it"

austin smiled "made just for you. rehearsals wasn't today"

you smiled "wait really?"

austin nods "yeah! the boys even helped me"

you smiled softly "i don't deserve y'all"

austin kisses your forehead "you deserve every single piece of this bub."

you smiled softly as you then posted a photo of the surprise & austin holding the canvas.

he did the same, but you were holding it.

you posted it with the caption
"guess who is officially taken💛 14.02.19"

austin posted the photo he took of you with the canvas with the caption
"she said yes❤️, 14.02.19"

the fans went crazy! they all approved and y'all honestly couldn't be happier. was the perfect way to spend the day!

(psa; where i'm from we do the date format as "day, month, year" hence why it's different than the US format)

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