why you gotta do this now? put us under so much pressure.. - e.h (long)

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you had spent the last few nights at edwin's. you spend most of the time at his, but lately it's been the other way around. until the last few nights.

you were laying in bed. you were asleep. it was about 2am. edwin had fallen asleep early at about 9. the guys were still having a party downstairs and you couldn't sleep. so, you went onto your phone.

you then see edwin had posted the photo above of y'all at the party.

"i love you baby. bout time we told the world about us❤️ @your.insta.name 🙈"

you sighed "edwin!" you then roll over and poke him

"wake up you idiot!"

edwin wiped his eyes "what babe?? it's early.. i wanna go back to sleep"

you sighed "why you gotta do this now? put us under so much pressure..."

edwin looked at you confused

you sighed showing him the photo

edwin smiled "oh yeah! i wanted everyone to know about us!!"

you sighed softly "too know it's very hard to tel if that's you being genuine or the alcohol talking"

edwin sighed "no no i'm being serious..."

you sighed "edwin.. i said i wasn't ready for this."

edwin looks at you "what did the comments say?"

you sighed "that doesn't matter ed. i haven't even looked. i can't do. i can't do this."

you sighed and got up. edwin shuffles over the bed and grabs your hand "stop. we need to talk about this.."

you sighed "not right now. i'm crashing in the guest room downstairs."

you walked downstairs and bump into ansley and austin who were dancing to music

you sighed "shit i'm sorry" you then kept working and went through the kitchen into the guest room

you sighed as you dove into the bed and laid down on your stomach

austin looks at ansley "what was that about?"

ansley shrugged "haven't got a clue. but i'm gonna go find out" she gave austin a kiss before she headed to the guest room

ansley knocked

you sighed "go away."

ansley opened the door slightly "it's just me"

you nod and sat up as ansley walked in and sat beside you

you sighed "he posted about us"

ansley looks at you "you weren't ready for it were you?"

you shook your head

ansley smiled softly "i didn't think i was either. but once it was put out there, and i saw how well everyone handled it, it felt and got a lot easier"

you sighed "it doesn't feel like that now.. i know his intentions were sweet. but at the same, i know he knew how i felt but he did it anyways."

ansley nods "i know. and that could of been due to how much he had drunk tonight, or. he could of genuinely wanted to announce it and he just couldn't wait any longer"

you shrug

ansley looks at you "you still get all them dm's and comments about guys tryna hit you up?"

you nod

ansley smiled "then that might be why he's now decided to say something. he wants the world to know you're his before people try snatch you up"

you shrug "if that's the case then i feel like an idiot"

you itch your head "i'll wait until the morning when he's not so filled with alcohol"

ansley nods "how about i bring maggie in and we have a girls night in here? cheer you up before you talk to him tomorrow?"

you nod "that'd be perfect"

ansley nods as she went to get maggie. you and the girls spent the night doing face masks, listening to music, watching movies, making silly videos, it was exactly what you needed. you all crashed at about 5am.

it was now 10am.

edwin walked downstairs and looked at brandon & austin "isn't the girls normally up now?"

austin nods "ans didn't come back to the party after she spoke to y/n"

brandon nods "maggie didn't come back after ansley came and pulled her aside"

edwin sighed softly "i really fucked up didn't i? if she needed both of the girls' support all night after.."

brandon and austin shrugs "you need to talk to her."

austin smiled "babe! come get some pancakes!"

ansley smiled and looked at you

you nod "go! it's okay. thank you though. i needed that"

ansley smiled softly as she then hugged you "you're welcome"

you looked at maggie "you think i should talk to him huh?"

maggie nods

you walk outside and over to edwin

"answer me this..."

edwin nods "anything"

"did you only just now post about it because of everyone else trying to hit me up?"

edwin nods "yes. it was pissing me off. i want the world to know that you're mine"

you sighed "i'm an idiot"

edwin smiled as he hugged you "you may be. but you're my idiot"

you smiled softly "even though i almost blew it?"

edwin nods "even though"

you smiled softly as you hugged edwin back

being away from him for the night even though it was just downstairs and then having the girls night, it was exactly what you needed to realise what edwin's intentions were. and once you realised they were genuine, well. you loved him even more for it.

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