thats the point of a surprise y/n- e.h

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you and edwin have been together awhile and you are the happiest you've ever been. expect, the last 2 months have been extremely hard.

edwins been on tour & you've spent every time of the day cramming for you exams which happen in two weeks.

exams are hard for every student, but for you? they're that extra bit harder. your family are relying on you to get some good grades to pass your certificate in beauty therapy. because they want you to be the first to finish college. it's not the 4 years doctor degree that your parents expected but. it something.

you met edwin in high school, 10th grade & have been more or less inseparable since.

until.. things changed.

3 days until exams.

you hear a knock on your dorm door "no jose, ashlynn isn't home!"
edwin opened the door "who said it was them?!"

you look out the door "ed?"

you jumped into his arms. "but?"

edwin smiled "baby tour ended early!"

"2 weeks early?" you look at edwin

they were meant to be back the week after your exams. being back earlier didn't exactly make you see the best

he put you down "hey you okay bub? i was expecting less question and more?"

"hype?" zion jumps in

edwin shushed zion.

you sighed "i just. i'm sorry! it's a lot okay"

edwin tried to reach for your hand

you sighed "it's just not what i was expecting."

edwin nods "i know that's the point of a surprise y/n"

you nod "yeah. but it's 3 days until exams."

edwin smiled "we're here to keep you relaxed!"

you sighed "ed.. i know y'all are just trying but it's cutting it too close. if i lose my cool now i'm done for"

edwin nods "okay. well i'll go get you your favourite take out & junk food to last you the next few days. then after your day of exams in 3 days, i'll be back and then we can hang out"

you smiled "thank you bub"

edwin kisses your forehead "it's what i'm here for"

an hour & a half later.

you had fallen asleep with your face in your textbook

the boys walk in and look at edwin who came in last "ah ed. she's asleep" nick pointed out

edwin smiled "that's my girl. always an overworked until she drops"

brandon and austin nod "literally"

edwin smiled softly moving you onto your bed "here you go. i love you. your food has all been put away by the boys. i'll see you after exams" he kisses you softly

4 days later. after the last exam you get home at 9pm. well to your dorm anyways, who your roommate already moved out of. so it was just all yours

edwin rushes in "baby!!!"

you smiled "right. pizza, movies, some shit karaoke, dancing, fortnite and just normal friday night!"

the boys smiled "let's go!"

you all spent the next few days just goofing around, catching up on everything. great way to put exams to a close!

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