its me or the record deal y/n.. - b.a (long)

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you & brandon have been with each other in this industry since day one. it's something you both started together & planned on going through the whole experience together. until.

it was friday night. the boys had their last show of the tour in LA. gunnar opened, you shortly followed, you even did a song with him to finish it off before the boys came on.

you were all chilling in the green room when there was knock on the door.

"hi i'm here for y/n?" the guy in a suit said
brandon nods "bub!! door!"

you got to the door to see a guy standing there from sony "y/n?"

you nod "yes, that's me"
the guy nods "i would like to offer you a record deal with sony. you're extremely talented!"
you look back at brandon "just me?"
the guy nods
you look at him "can i have your card? i'll call you in the morning?"
he nods handing the cards "i suspect you'd make the right decision" he then left.

you shut the door.

brandon smiled "who was that babe?"
you look at the card and then put it in your pocket "ah. no one.. just a fan"
brandon smiled "already having fans hey?!"
you nod "yeah!" you then mumbled "you have no idea"

you then sat beside brandon and the rest of the boys as they were eating subway for dinner. or more like an almost midnight snack. the show and photos after ran pretty late.

you sighed as the brandon had fallen asleep. you pick the card back out of your pocket

"it's always us. you & i. in this together. what happened to that?" thoughts run through your head as to what brandon will respond with. all negative thoughts. you knew he wouldn't handle it well. but. you were saying them out loud.

nick looks over "y/n. everything okay?"
you sighed "nope. not at all"

you hand nick the card

nick smiled "y/n! that's amazing! what are you talking about?"
you sighed "it's always been b & i.."
nick smiled "well yeah. but this is also the same brandon that loves making his girl smile. i'm sure he'll be over the moon!"
you nod and smiled slightly looking at brandon "i sure hope you're right on this one nick.."

you tap brandon on the shoulder "bub i needa talk to you"
brandon rubs his eyes "yes love?"
you hand him the card

"sony? record deal? you? when?" he looked at the card confused
you sighed "the guy earlier he-"
brandon stood up "so you lied right to my face?!"
you sighed "b! i mean. yeah. i did. only cause i had a feeling you wouldn't handle it good!"

nick jumps in "dude calm down. let her talk"

brandon scoffs "you gotta be kidding me! how long has he known?! you told him before your boyfriend?! the same guy you've known since you were like 7?! unbelievable..."

you sighed trying to reach for his hand before having him pull it away "brandon!"

you sighed "he knew 5 minutes before you! if that!"

brandon sighed and then scoffed "doesn't make it any better y/n"

you sighed "can't you just be happy for me?!"

brandon shakes his head "no! because it's always been us. us getting noticed, recognised, growing together as artists, becoming producers, dancers. all of it. was us."

you sighed "i know! but then pretty much wasn't us was it?"

brandon sighed "y/n.."

you sighed "no."

brandon nods "okay fine! pick! it's me or the record deal y/n.."

you sighed looking over at nick "b. you can't.. you can't do. that."

brandon nods

you sighed and just ran right out.

you had  no idea what to do.

you waited a week. no contact with brandon until he reached out. "i'm sorry"

you sighed "you made it clear brandon"

brandon sighed "i know. i know. but i couldn't of got to being with the guys without you there y/n."

you sighed "you wanted me to pick between the two loves of my life b..."

brandon nods "i know. you can take the deal."

you shake your head "i turned it down 3 days ago. nothings worth losing this"

brandon pulled you into a hug "couldn't have said it better. but i won't be such a douche again!"

you smiled "thank god"

you both then laughed

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