you stole her from me.. this is your karma. - b.a (long)

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you and brandon have been close for a long time: but lately things felt different in was you can't quite explain. but.

you have a boyfriend.
he can get aggressive. very aggressive. some weekends he comes back with blood & bruises everywhere. if he comes back like that. you can never imagine the case of the other guy..


you were out with brandon. you lost track of time & ended up back at the boys' place. it was 3am. you had been with him since about 8am. so it had been a fair amount of time.

you leave the place with austin & zion to get some food. but. the unthinkable happens.

chase pulls up & walks straight inside. drunk as ever and goes right for brandon. pins him up against a wall and gives him a few good punches to the face, stomach & ribs. then chucks him on the ground "you stole her from me... this is your karma" and takes off.

you were in the back whilst zion was driving & austin had the food so you were the first one in.

"b! were back!"

you heard no answer. once you walk in further. you see brandon laying on the ground.

you b-line straight for him. you cup his face and look up at nick who was coming inside from being out in the pool. "i'll call the ambulance!"

you sighed. a tear fell down onto brandon."what happened to you bub.."

brandon's face was a mess. it had cuts, bruises, everywhere. you went to lean down and give him a kiss when you pressed on his ribs. he flinched. & that's generally where chase targets his victims the most. so. you clicked..

you sighed "chase.."

brandon couldn't really move he was in that much pain. "he said. he said it was my karma.. for stealing you. from. from him." he said throughout the pain

you sighed "i'm gonna fucking get him back. don't you worry."

nick hung up "the ambulance will be on its way before you know it"

you nod "it better be.. he's a mess nick.."

the ambulance pulled up and got brandon into the back of their vehicle "he's only allowed one, the rest will have to meet him there"

you sighed "as much as i wanna go.. i gotta sort chase out. i'll meet y'all there."

you get in your car & go straight to chase's. no hesitation. normally he terrifies you. but you were MAD.

you storm in and find chase. pin him against the wall "you fuckin asshole!! you could of killed him! why?!"

chase scoffed "he stole you."

you rolled your eyes "and if he goes to the cops? what you gonna say then?!"

chase scoffed again "that he won't. cause he's a bitch! can't believe you picked him over me"

you punched him as hard as you could. "can't believe it hey?! maybe that's why! you beat the shit outta people chase! it doesn't tickle does it"

you go to punch him again but he grabs your wrist. really tightly "you're gonna break it."

you managed to punch with your left hand and get free. heading straight to the hospital. with a probably dislocated wrist. but you got your point across.

you sighed "i'm here for brandon arreaga. he was brought in by ambulance"

the receptionist nods "through there. you wanna be seen first? that looks pretty dislocated"

you sighed "nope. him first."

the receptionist lead you in. he was looking bad. but not as bad as you thought.

you look at nick "how bad?"

nick sighed "black eye, but his face is in one piece, brain scan is fine. but he's got 6 broken ribs"

you sighed "b.."

brandon went to hold onto your right hand. which made you flinch so fast. brandon sighed "he hurt you?"

you sighed "it's probably just a sprain. okay. you should see him though"

brandon smiled "i love you"

you smiled "i love you too" you kiss brandon.

brandon smiled "go get it looked at. we'll be here"

you nod. you go get your wrist checked. dislocated BADLY. and broken in two places. they put a hard cast on & want to re x-ray it in two weeks. then if nothing changes it'll be surgery.

you told brandon everything the nurse told you.

brandon sighed "i'm sorry"

you sighed "b. you're laying here with 6 broken ribs cause of me! i'm the one that should be sorry."

brandon shakes his head

the nurse comes in "i'll move y'all to another ward. so y/n can have a bed to sleep in tonight whilst we keep brandon in for observe him"

you and brandon were in another room and it was just the two of you. it was a long painful night for the both of you. but. thank god chase wasn't part of anything anymore.

for now at least.

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