but you're the one ill always want to come home to - b.a

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i've been all around the world done all there is to do, but you're the one i'll always want to come home to

the boys are doing their first world tour.
it's been really hard for you to be away from brandon for that long. they've toured across the us, you've been to a few shows and that was hard. you had no idea how hard the world tour would be.

6 months. UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan & a few more.

you missed him like crazy.

it's been a few days since brandon got home. you adore him, you missed being around him. it felt like forever.

brandon smiled softly as he was looking at you

you smiled "what?"

brandon smiled "i've missed this"

you smiled "me too. more than you think"

brandon smiled "same" he then kissed your forehead

you smiled softly just looking up at brandon.

maybe you missed him more than you thought

zion walked in "get a room you two!"

you smiled softly "didn't miss that as much"

zion smiled "i love you too y/n!"

brandon smiled softly "come on bub. we're head to the studio. i have something to show you"

you smiled as you then followed brandon into the studio

it's beyond crazy how much you missed him. you knew you missed him but no idea it was anywhere near that much.

you got into the studio and sat on the sofa

brandon smiled "so i've been working on a little something"

he played his cover of "no place" by the backstreet boys

he then sang over the cover "but you're the one i'll always want to come home to"

you smiled softly "i missed you so much"

brandon smiled as he kissed you "i missed you more"

you then decided to spend the rest of the night in the studio cause it's where it was the quietest. you ordered pizza, watched a lot of movies, jumped around singing and dancing. just an all around good and fun night. exactly what you needed after he'd been gone so long.

brandon smiled "you know i love you yeah?"

you nod "i do. it was the hardest 6 months i've ever had. but. i do."

brandon smiled softly " good. i don't want you to ever forget that either"

you smiled softly "what do you mean?"

brandon smiled "this is what i mean"

he then grabbed a ring out of his back pocket and got down into one knee. "y/n. i love you with my whole heart. these last 6 months have made me realise just how much i adore you & how much you really mean to me. and i don't want to be away from you for a long time again, i love you. will you marry me?"

you smiled softly as you looked down at the ring & had tears streaming all the way down your face

you smiled softly as you looked down at the ring & had tears streaming all the way down your face

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brandon looks at you "babe i'm sorry it's so small but, it's all i could afford right now"

you smiled "b. stop stressing. it's absolutely perfect"

brandon smiled softly as he kissed you and spun you around.

you smiled softly as you whipped his tears once he placed you back on the ground. "i love you with my whole heart brandon michael lee arreaga"

brandon smiled softly "i love you with my whole heart & more y/f/n"

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