is that childish? - e.h

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it's your birthday. for the last few years, you've been away from edwin. normally y'all spend it by being children. really.

this year, you were back with edwin. for the first time in awhile.

little did you know it but he was planning a surprise party for you.

he had over all your friends, well what's left, your older brother & the guys. they all hid whilst edwin and you were out.

edwin grabs his phone quickly "we're about 10 minutes out"  and texts the boys.

everyone got into place. you walk back inside the boys house. it was dark. which was odd cause it wasn't all that late.

everyone smiled and jumps out " surprise !! "

you smiled softly "edwin. we said we were doing nothing"

edwin smiled "yes this is nothing. it's something small!"

you smiled "ed. there's a bounce house in your house. that's not small!"

edwin smiled softly "is that childish?"

you smiled "no ed. it's perfect!"

edwin smiled "then you'll be glad to hear there's a bigger one in the backyard with a waterslide on it's

you smiled "you know me too well!"

edwin smiled softly as he put your arm around you "you've been gone for awhile, i wanted to do something whether you wanted it or not & some of my favourite memories is us mucking around when we were little"

you smiled and nodded "the easier times hey"

edwin smiled "this is your home. remember that. ry is here, your old friends from school are here. we're here"

you nod "i know. ry has no choice there though."

ryan nods "really don't."

you smiled giggling a little

edwin smiled kissing your cheek "shall we get this party going?"

you smiled softly "didn't think you'd ask"

you both then started to play around on the bounce houses, just laughing, play fighting making the most of it.

edwin then smiled "hey i have a present for you"

you smiled softly "you didn't have to get me anything ed"

edwin smiled "no i didn't. but i wanted to"

he then hands you a box.

you open it & it's a promise ring. the one you were looking at with ed last time you were in LA "edwin.."

edwin smiled softly "it's a promise ring! i promise you my whole heart, always"

you smiled softly "you didn't have-"

edwin jumps in "but i did. i want the world to know you're mine. since they never get past the whole best friend thing, to see we're more than that. maybe this will have people believe it"

you smiled softly "well i wouldn't want to be promised to anyone else but you"

edwin smiled "same here. my girlfriend" y'all then kiss as he puts the ring onto your finger

you smiled softly "my boyfriend" and ate some food before going back to goofing around.

brandon took a video of you & edwin goofing around "happy birthday to y/n! glad to have you back here & around"

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