i bet you told him we were nothing - n.m (long)

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you live with the boys and you just got back home from hanging out with your best friend kurt.

you've known him since you were about 11. he's always been there for you & he was your neighbour growing up, you met him when your parents moved to his LA from new jersey. so you don't remember much of new jersey. but kurt's always been here for you. and you met nick at a party one night. and are also very close. but you're not sure on your feelings. you adore nick. you have from the moment you laid eyes on him. but your past with kurt doesn't help.

- a lot of hours earlier -

you had been at kurt's place since 5pm. it's now around 12:30am. you and kurt were.. well having a moment.

you and kurt were making out on the sofa when you pulled back "i should. i should go"

kurt smirks "but it's just getting good"

you sighed "i have to"

"that guy huh?"

you sighed "that guy has a name kurt."

kurt smiled "he might do. but he's not mine. and it's not like he's your boyfriend? right?"

you itch your head. you weren't exactly sure how to respond.. because kurt's right, he isn't your boyfriend. but you adore him. but then again there's kurt..

you sighed "no he's.. its.. its.. it's nothing."

kurt nods "thought so" and then went back to kissing you.  but it didn't feel like it did when y'all were younger. y'all would kiss all the time in school when you were like 14-15. but it didn't seem right ever since you met nick..

you then look at kurt "no no. i do have to go"

kurt kisses you again "staaay"

you sighed "no kurt. i have to go do this. i need. i need to know."

kurt looks at you confused but still let you go anyways.

you were driving back home, you had no idea what the plan was, but. well. you were gonna wing it. which is never really a good idea but it doesn't stop you doing so anyways.

- current time ; 2am -

you snuck back into the house trying to be as quiet as possible when. well nick was waiting on the sofa.

"y/n!? what time do you call this?" he looks at you

you look at nick "2am" hoping you being a smart ass would clear the tension.. it didn't.

he scoffed


he sighed "i bet you told him we were nothing!"

you itch your head "i... well i. i."

nick nods "exactly what i thought!"

you made your way to the sofa and cupped nicks face "nick.. listen. i don't want to hurt you"

nick moves your hand off his face "but you have! y/n it's too late! i thought we had something really special here! but how many of your "best friends" do you casually sleep with?"

you sighed as a tear fell "nick.."

nick looks at you "you told him we were nothing.. admit it!"

you sighed "i did! until i listed to my heart.. i've known him since i was 11, i've kissed him before. but since i've known you, it hasn't felt right with kurt. and that's.. that's why i came back. you've.. i.."

nick looks at you "i don't want excuses now."

you sighed "it's not an excuse. i adored you since i first saw you. since i spilled my drink all over you at that party and we had that moment. i can't get you outta my head. and i thought i could, that it was just a phase hence why i was seeing kurt still.. wrong i know. but then i realised it wasn't. that. that you're. well you're."

you wipe your eyes "you're the one i want to be with."

nick looks at you "you can't just jump back to him when you're confused.. talk to me next time."

you nod "always. i should of in the first place. but we just get so tense when we talk about relationships and it just. i didn't seem like a right time"

nick kisses you "but i'm bet your glad you did now"

you then nod and kiss nick back. you were stupid for even considering kurt. the past y'all had will always be there but nick is the future, and it's about time you let him in and see that.

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