it's been months.. but for some reason i just can't get over us.. - e.h

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you and edwin broke up awhile ago. it hit you both really hard. but, you both agreed it was for the best. or well. y'all thought it was. but. maybe it's not..

"it's ridiculous, it's been months.. but for some reason i just can't get over us.. and i'm stronger than this" edwin tweeted.

everyone tagged you in it. "just call her! talk about it!"

"we love you, but this is silly. build a bridge & sort it out"

the comments read.

you saw the tweet and just sighed. you had no idea it hit him so hard. it hit you hard. you lost who you were, lost your footing. but.

you got yourself up, slowly.

you sighed as you looked at your puppy called bear "miss me and ed too huh?"

you sighed looking at your puppy "i'm sorry bear."

you then look at your phone. edwin was calling.

you answer

edwin smiled and you could just hear the smile on edwin's face "hi! i ah. i"

"miss you"

you both said at the same time.

you smiled "you really? you miss me?"

edwin nods "more than i ever thought i could miss someone in my life"

you smiled softly "me too! not to mention bear misses you too!"

edwin smiled "aw tell him i miss him too!"

edwin then stops himself from talking "i actually. i wanna. i wanna see you. so we can ah. talk"

you look at bear "that would. that would be nice"

edwin smiled "still live in Hollywood? i can meet you at yours in 20? would love to see bear again plus it would save all the questions from the boys"

you nod "sounds perfect!"

you hang up and automatically regret saying sounds perfect but. you went with it.

15 minutes later, edwin knocked

bear started going crazy.

you smiled as you opened the door. you and edwin hugged asap. for a good few minutes before bear pulled you both apart from jumping.

edwin smiled "aw hey little one who isn't so little anymore! i missed you!"

bear started kissing all over edwins face

you smiled "buddy that's enough"

edwin then itches his head "so ah. it's been. it's been hard"

you nod "it has for me too."

edwin sighed "i'm sorry. i miss you. i was an idiot. and i know it's ridiculous and it's been months but i can't get over us"

you sighed "me neither"

edwin sighed "y/n."

you nod "yeah?"

edwin sighed "i love you. i never stopped. this whole break this just isn't us. this too hard."

you nod "me too. why can't we go back to how we were.."

edwin nods "i want that nods than anything."

you nod,
edwin smiled "will you be my girlfriend?"

you nod "i would love to. it's to hard. "

edwin nods "it is. i was an idiot."

you both smiled as you went to kiss each other. but, bear for in the way. you smiled softly "maybe he missed you as much as we missed each other"

edwin smiled softly "sounds like how much the boys miss us too"

you smiled "they miss us?"

edwin nods "yeah, especially zion. he said he misses saying shit to ya"

you smiled softly "doesn't surprise me"

edwin nods "true though! but i'm glad we're okay now"

you smiled "me too. beyond glad"

you both were so glad you sorted it out. it made you so happy to be back with edwin. it was so hard being apart from him, but the fact you worked through everything just made you even happier.

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