you're so freakin talented! - e.h

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the boys were performing on xfactor, and you were a contestant. you were the first performance of the show so once you finished, you went backstage & got to hang out with the guests & your other contestants.

you finished your performance and walked backstage. you were reasonably down because it's the top 8. you know you have to be good, but you didn't feel that you were.

when edwin approaches you.

"hey, don't doubt yourself, you killed that!" he smiled
you smiled but shrugged "i appreciate it, but it doesn't feel like i did"
edwin smiled "seriously! you were so good! you're freakin talented!"
you smiled "thank you"
edwin smiled "anytime"
you smiled softly

you & the boys started talking & kept talking until it was their turn to go on.

they came off and you looked at edwin "you said i was the talented one?!"

edwin smiled "you are!"

you scoffed "dude you were insane!"

edwin smiled "thank you! you killed it too!"

you shrug

you were awaiting the results. the live studio audience were deciding who would make it to the top 6. it was a double elimination. which doubled the anxiety & pressure.

you sighed "i'm going home. everyone was better than me"
edwin shakes his head "you brought your a-game! i bet you were the best of the night!"
you shrugged "at this point, who knows"

you made it to the top 6. once it was announced you ran backstage & straight to edwin. he picked you up & spun you around "i'm beyond proud of you!"

you got lost. for a solid minute you got lost in edwin's eyes. cheesy, yes but you did.

edwin put you down on the ground "dinner tonight to celebrate!"

you smiled "yeah. i'd like that"

you went to dinner with edwin, had a few moments, he dropped you back home & y'all kissed and then swapped phone numbers. you started to text & call each other every single day, then once the show finished (you finished second) you took sometime off & spent it with edwin & the guys. to soon then start posting on youtube.

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