and you & i. were. well were you & i.. - n.m (long)

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you and nick have been very close the last few months. you're best friends with brandon's sister halie, so you were hanging out with her at the boys and you met nick.

it has been an intense few months. you've had a lot going in family wise, and sadly, you really only knew to turn to nick. but for awhile it took you long enough to just do that.

halie is your best friend, but it was almost like it was too overwhelming that you didn't want her involved, because she wouldn't handle it, like you weren't. but. maybe you judge nick wrong.

"dad! there's a reason i haven't told them mom has cancer! i can't handle it myself, let alone having to worry about my best friends handling it" you sighed. you couldn't be at the hospital with your mom during treatment, they only let your dad up, that alone was hard enough.

nick looks at you with tears in his eyes. he had walked in on your speaking to your dad in the spare room upstairs whilst everyone was downstairs. you had been up there awhile so he wanted to check on you, and well. when he did, he heard a lot more than you wanted.

you sighed "how long have you been there nick?"

nick sighed "long enough to know your-" you cut him off. "shh okay. i don't want anyone else knowing. in fact i didn't even want you knowing"

nick sighed "y/n. you're meant to come to me for things. and halie too. or any one of us."

you nod "i know. but this was and is too much to put on y'all. halie is finally truly happy, brandon is finding his feet, edwin is an all around better moods, zion isn't as distant with me as he was at first and austin and i are bonding like brother and sister almost. and you & i. we're. well we're you & i."

nick sighed shutting the door and walking in and grabbing your hands "cancer though. y/n. cancer."

you nod "i know. i haven't seen her in months. i'm not allowed up there whilst she's having treatment. i don't even know if i'll-"

nick kisses your hands "no. stop. don't think like that. that'll break you up even more. okay.. look at me.."

he grabs your face and lifts it up to look at him "i know you hid this from us for a good reason. but everyone down there is here to help you through it so you're not alone. okay? i'll come down with you to tell him. we can do it together"

you sighed "but we're just. we're just starting us. and i don't want mom's treatments and the stress-"

nick smiled "i promise you it won't get in the way of us & the boys & halie won't see you at different because of it"

you nod.

you both walk downstairs hand in hand.

halie smirked "called it! they're gonna finally tell us they're dating!"

zion nods "yeah nicks got that serious look in his eye"

brandon looks at nick "i think it's more than just that look z"

you sighed "ah my. my ah. my mom. she's got cancer. she's up in the hospital for treatment and i can't go see her because of it. i haven't seen her in months and for all i know the next time i see her i could be crying over her body."

everyone pilled onto you for a hug. "we're all here for you. always." brandon smiled

halie nods "as idiot here said, we're here. you shouldn't have to feel like you have to keep this from us"

"i know i just didn't know if y'all could handle that" you sighed

"what we couldn't handle is you and nick not together cause y'all live out of each other's-" brandon cut zion off by looking at him

brandon jumps in "what he's meant to say, is it's no burden"

you smiled softly "well. let's get pizza and just move on from this sappy shit"

"now that's what i do best!" zion smiled

nick looks at you "but what about?"

you shake your head "not the time to tell them about u-"

austin jumps in "us! they're together y'all! maybe z isn't that dumb"

you and nick nod "yeah were together but can we just get that pizza?"

everyone smiled and enjoyed pizza. you felt like it was a weight that had been lifted due to the fact that you had been hiding it for awhile. both parts. but. it couldn't of gone better.

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