take my hand, i let you take up my time - e.h

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you and edwin have had a rough patch, but you let it go. well. you thought so.

you were at a house party for the guys which i mean is just a normal friday at the prettymuch house. you had gone with your best friend jacob. he and edwin has never really gotten along, it happened to be the reason why y'all were in a rough patch in the first place. but. you needed someone to take you there and he was all that was free. you knew it would be a risk. but not as much as you were about to find out. ..

you got into the boys place and you and jacob went your seperate ways. jacob is quite close with noah. so he went to see noah and you headed over to see edwin.

you had spent about two hours talking to edwin & the guys. before a slower song came on, then.. jacob came over.

"y/nnn. let's dance" jacob grabbed your arm and got all clingy? which wasn't like him.. well not the jacob you came into the party with

you sighed "j i don't want to"

edwin looks at jacob and smirks then looks at you "take my hand, i let you take up my time, i let you take all my pride"

you look at edwin "i don't want to dance okay!"

you then storm out.

you love to dance. but lately. it just hasn't been the same since it was something you and edwin would always do. it's been different since y'all fought: and you haven't danced since then.

zion comes out after you "y/n?"

you sighed "z. i don't want a damn lecture okay? just drop it."

zion sat beside you "i'm gonna lecture you y/n. i want to make sure you're okay.. you really took off in a hurry.."

you sighed "dancing hasn't felt right without ed"

zion looks at you "is that why you turned jacob down?"

you nod "partly"

zion looks a you confused "but that doesn't explain why you turned ed's dance invite down."

you sighed "the last time we did dance; 12 hours later we fought like crazy. how do i know that the fighting isn't gonna restart as soon as we dance?"

zion shrugs "you don't know y/n. no one does. but you won't find out if you don't try. and for all you know, it could go well"

you sighed softly "maybe"

you then look at zion "but if i say yes to ed, how am i gonna explain it all to j?"

zion smiled "you go to ed. i'll go to j"

you smiled "okay"

zion smiled and went inside and pulled jacob aside and spoke to him & he seemed to understand it so you went in and over to ed

you smiled "let's do it"

edwin smiled as he took your hand and you started to dance together

you both bonded together and it felt like heaven. like it was just right..

you and edwin spent most of the time just dancing and goofing around, literary like there was no one watching y'all. and that it was like just you & him. in your own little world.

after you danced, you ate food and just laughed and talked. it made you genuinely happy to know that not only can you dance again and have it feel right but that you and edwin are now back to normal. which you couldn't really ask for more.

PRETTYMUCH IMAGINES BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now