long distance isnt us, and i think you know it - a.p

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you and austin met whilst he was on break for his first tour. during that time y'all were in the same state. and got extremely close and became offical two weeks before his next tour.

you both didn't wanna lose each other so you can to the conclusion of just giving long distance a go cause it does work for some couples.

you knew it would be hard going hard. just not that hard.

2 weeks before tour.

"i don't know if i can do this austin" you sighed
austin smiled "bub. i love you. you love me. we got this. even if we're in different states"

you nod "yeah i guess you're right"

2 weeks into tour. it wasn't that easy. at all.
it's the LA show.

you went to the show to support austin as you normally would. he came back from rehearsal "long distance isn't us, and you know it"

you sighed "aust.. i know. i just. i didn't wanna believe it."

austin nods "me neither. but it seems like this is god giving us a sign.."

you nod "maybe"

austin kisses your cheek "i have to get back. i'm sorry."

you nod "it's. it's okay. really. goodluck for the rest of the tour" you kiss him. you've never been good at goodbyes.. but this one. this hit hard.

you weren't handling it well.. at all. you were just hoping austin was handling it better.

you saw photos of the tour and he looked happy. which in reality is all you could ask for.

2 more weeks later when tour ended. the boys were back home.

"i think you needa talk to y/n again aust" nick looks at austin
austin shakes his head "were okay. we do talk. we're okay"
brandon shakes his head "austin. you forgot the lyrics & choreo at least once each stop after y/n left."
zion nods "and it was your idea. why are you handling it worse?"
edwin nods "they're not wrong aust."

austin shrugs "y'all i don't know. i don't know what to do. i adore her. but when we're on tour.. it's just too much."

zion nods "that's understandable but dude. you're a mess without her"
nick nods then adds "yeah! text her. ask her to come over tonight. well give you some space and you can do your thing"

austin looks at the boys "turning against me hey?"

they all nod.

you got austin's text then headed straight over.

you smiled "hey i hope tour was good!" you say as you gave him a hug as he opened the door

austin nods "it. it was good"

austin looks at you "can we talk?"

you nod and sit beside austin

"i'm an idiot. the boys said i was a mess at the shows without you. without knowing we were together even when we weren't like side by side kinda thing. i'm sorry" austin sighed

you nod "it's okay honestly"

austin shakes his head "it's not. you can turn this down if you want but i really want us to work. so. from now on, every time there's a show outside of LA and our schedules line up, you're coming with us. i'm not losing you."

you nod "yeah. i'm. i'm beyond happy with that outcome"

austin smiled kissing you softly "i'm glad"

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