sayin' I'm alright... i look in the mirror, don't see no tough guy - n.m

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you and nick. well. you called things off about 3 weeks ago. it was becoming a lot for you. you were moving so much faster than you had expected and it just wasn't great timing. your parents just confirmed their divorce, you were left with your brother to look after as they couldn't decide who got custody of him, so you took him in instead of him having to go to foster care.

and that was the time you broke up with nick. so he had no clue what had happened in the last few weeks of your life.

"you need to reach out to her nick.." austin sat beside nick.
nick sighed "she called it off. but i'll be fine"

you sighed as you found that you were tagged in a photo of you & nick posted by a fan account "i miss these two so much :("

your brother elijah, who was 4. walked up to you and saw the photo "you miss him?"

you wipe your eyes and sniff "a lot bud. but it's just not good timing eli"

elijah smiled "you love him?"

you nod

elijah wiped your tears "let's go see him"

you sighed softly and chuckled once eli wiped your
tears "bud as i said. it's not that simple"

elijah looks at you "why not?"

you sighed. you had no idea how to answer that'. he's 4. but man is a tough one.

you nod "right. grab a toy, let's go"

you both got into the car and headed for the boys place. you were a mess.

you knock.
austin answers "oh finally. he's a mess. upstairs. i'll take eli."

you nod and walk upstairs. you see nick just sitting in front of the mirror and stand behind him "i think we need to talk..."

he nods and sits on his bed.

you sighed "i'm sorry. a lot has happened and it was around the same time we were getting really really close and it was just. it was too much. and i know that's not an excuse but-"

nick cut you off "but i want to know why. what happened? i thought we were happy together?"

you sighed "we were.. but everything else wasn't."

nick looks at you confused

"mum and dad's divorced became final a week before hand. then they fought over who got eli. they couldn't decided. so, i took custody of him instead of him having to go into foster. he's so young and he's my brother and i don't. i want him to have the best shot" you sighed

nick sighed "i could of been there. through it all.. so why didn't you let me in earlier?"

you sighed "you're living your life, nick. i didn't want to ruin it with the crap i've got going on &. well. yeah."

nick sighed "i love you y/n. you wouldn't of ruined anything... us being separated ruined-"

i sighed "i know. it ruined it for you too. i wasn't thinking right. i had a lot going on and  i just-"

nick kissed you.

you nod as you pull away "was obviously talking too much"

nick nods "maybe a little. but i've missed you. so much."

you sighed "me too. i actually. i didn't think i could do this. hence why it's taking me until eli saw how much of a mess i was. but i just. i'm sorry."

nick smiled taking your hands "stop saying sorry. i get it. i really do."

you nod "i'm sor-" you cut yourself off "right. but yeah? you're not mad?"

nick shakes his head "i mean at first i was but how could i be now, knowing what happened? when it comes down to it, i love you, that's all that matters"

you smiled "i love you too"

nick kissed you again. this time, you expected it. and well, you missed that. so much. after a good talk, a few laughs with the boys & elijah. it helped a lot. you missed this part of your life so much more than you realised.

guess it is true what they say.. you never really know what you've got until it's gone.

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