if i could grab your pain and take it away i would- a.p

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you and austin have been together for awhile. and you've been through a lot together. he's more or less well. your other half.

you've got a lot on your plate to say the least. you just found out your parents are getting a divorce. you weren't exactly sure how to handle it. but. it hit you hard.

"hun, we need to talk to you" your mom called out from downstairs

you sighed. something that starts like that, is never good.. you then went downstairs

papers were in front of your mom & dad on the table.

you look at your mom and dad "what's. what's happening?"

your mum looks at your dad then over at you "we both love you so much. but. we ah. we've-"

you sighed "it's came to this already? i knew y'all fought time to time but-"

your dad jumped in "but we've found love for others. we'll be better off friends"

your mom nods

you sighed "where does that leave me?"

your mom smiled "that's why we waited til you were older. to see if it was the best thing for us & it is. you can go where you wish"

your dad looks at you  "were actually selling this house cause-"

you sighed "dad! no. i grew up in the house. i ain't leaving it. not like that"

they adopted you at the age of 4. this house is all you've even known. your "birth father" was never in the picture. your mom passed when you were young.

so they've all you've ever known. you have an older brother but he lives in another state.

you sighed "so do i?"

your mom sighed "you don't have to leave to live with AJ if you don't want to. no one is telling you to leave florida."

you sighed "maybe i should.. i'll-"

your mom then looks at you "you have friends in LA right? maybe spend the summer with them? then decide?"

you sighed "mom. i have a friend in LA. zion. but he's in a band. they're not gonna want me running up on them"

your dad jumps in "zion's a good kid, he'll do what's best for you" he then signs the paper "but i do think your mom is right"

you nod. and head upstairs.
and pack your things.

you get to LA the next morning about 10am.

austin picked you up "z was still asleep and i saw the note on the kitchen so i'm your ride"

you look at austin "you don't have to do this"

austin smiled "you're not wondering around an airport until like 4pm."

you nod "yeah okay"

you then get into the car. it's a long drive due to traffic so you and austin got time to talk. y'all connected really well, so you decided to open up, let your guard down a little.

"my parents are getting a divorce. they signed it right in front of me.. they said i was the glue holding them. now that i'm older it's done & that's that" you sighed

austin sighed "if i could grab your pain and take it away i would" he then places his hand on yours

you nod "i. yeah."

you look down at y'all's hands. hesitant. but. you hold onto his hand too. it was silly but it felt like sparks. even through y'all were just holding hands..

once you got back to the guys place, you hugged everyone caught up with z then spent the rest of the night talking to austin. telling him a lot. you learned a lot about him. and it was just the night you needed. laughing, crying but perfect. with a pretty good guy too. which you don't find nowadays in florida.

PRETTYMUCH IMAGINES BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now