said that we had no future now you're tryna keep in touch? - z.k

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you and zion are ex's. it didn't end well, to say the least.

you both were fighting, and then he dropped the"we have no future!" bomb. which, made you lose your mind. now, it's been 2-3 years and you're just starting to move on, in fact, you're in LA for a vacation with your brother, joseph. all was going good.. until...

joseph smiled "can we go explore the sign?!"
you nod "of course!"

you were walking around hollywood hills and the houses around it. you were walking ahead of joseph, but you tripped over your shoe laces. bumped right into zion.

you went to stand up and apologise "shit i'm sorry. i didn't even-" you realised.

zion smiled softly as he laughed "still as clumsy hey!"

you sighed "zion.. it's not. it's not the time."

zion smirks "then why are you here? you just don't show up to LA from canada with no explanation!"

you sighed "i'm on vacation! with my brother?! you know the one you never got along with?"

zion nods "hm. okay." more or less not even believing what you said.

you kept walking. and joseph caught up "who was that?"

you sighed "zion.."

joseph scoffed and walked back.

"bro! tf."

you sighed "jose! drop it.."

zion smirks "nah i wanna hear what this fool has to say!"

joseph scoffed "well. let's see. you dated my sister most of high school, then told her you don't see a future with her?! so i mean.."

you sighed "stop! okay. yeah, he said that. but it's.."

zion smiled "dinner. let me take you to dinner just us and we can talk"

you sighed "zion.. i don't. i don't know"

zion smiled "sneak into a bowling ally like we used to!"

you smiled "okay. just once."

you went out to dinner and bowling with zion.

after kicking his ass at bowling. "i want. i want to keep in touch" he smiled

you look at zion "i'm only here for two weeks. i can't. i can't do long distance"

zion smiled softly "spend that time with me and the guys, then, if you want to try again like i do, you can live with us"

you nod "yeah why not"

you've always been the adventurous type.
and zion adored that.

after spending the time with him, it made you realise that you really do still love him, so. you moved. best decision you've ever made.

and you have fate to thank for that one.

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