hes not my boyfriend! - b.a (loong)

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you and your mom just moved to LA, of course you're living next to the boys' place.

you just moved in. the house you moved into had been abandoned for years.

so when the boys noticed someone new moved in, they were very excited to go see who it was.

zion looks out the window "guys! there's someone new moving in!!"
they all ran to the window "damn that's timing!" nick smiled
"we should invite them to the party tonight! if they're ya know our age" edwin smiled
brandon nods "guess we better go introduce ourselves!"

you sighed. you had been moving around your whole life. so it just felt like another place. sadly.

you walk into the new house. your mom smiled "i gotta go to ikea and get a few things, i'll be gone most of the day so i'll see you tonight yeah?"

you nod as you shut the door behind your mom.

you sighed. as you sat down on the sofa.

the boys approached your door and knock on it.

you roll your eyes. "i can i at least sit down for 20 minutes before some old person knocks on-" you open the door.

"hey!" the boys smiled

you look at them slightly confused "i'm brandon! i'm edwin! i'm austin! i'm nick! and i'm zion! we're prettymuch" they all said together

brandon then adds "were a band, we live next door" 

you nod "hey. i'm y/n"

zion smiled "we're having a party tonight! you wanna come?"

you look at the boys as brandon looks at you. "ah yeah. i don't see why not"

brandon smiled "awesome! i'll see you tonight"

you smiled softly.

you then sighed as you walk back inside.

brandon then knocked on the door again

"hey ah. hey" he smiled

you smiled "hey bran-"

he cut you off "call me b"

you nod "i guess i'll see you tonight"

brandon smiled "yeah, definitely"

you nod then walk back inside. "he's cute" you mumble

it then came time to go to the party. you write a note "mom, i'll be back later. i'm at a party next door, i'll be home before you know it. i love you"

you walked over to the house.

you started talking to the boys. as they were dancing.

you and brandon got along very well. oddly well.

a girl walked up to you & brandon "new girl hey?" she looks at brandon

brandon sighed "back off okay. you needa leave"

you rolled your eyes "brandon. stop. i can handle it."

you look at the girl "stop. you don't know shit. you wouldn't even know a friend if they smacked you in the face! leave it be. and leave"

the girl chloe rolled her eyes "standing up for your boyfriend huh?"

you shake your head "ew no. he's not my boyfriend!"

brandon looked at you "ew?"

you sighed "that's not what i meant-"

brandon nods "clearly it was"

you sighed "go chloe."

you then sighed.
after chloe and her girls left.

you ran around the whole house looking for brandon. you ran into nick "have you see b?"

nick nods "he's on the roof. it's his spot"

you nod "thank you"

you ran up to the roof "i'm sorry. i didn't. i didn't mean it like that"

brandon sighed "seems like you did"

you sighed "i've moved around my whole life. i've never had any one stand up for me like that. hell i've never really had anyone talk to me. i've never settled anywhere and it's always hard. i'm sorry"

brandon sighed "ew though?"

you sighed "i know. i didn't handle it well. you're far from it."

brandon looks at you "really?"

you nod "yeah. hence why i didn't handle that whole thing so well. i just. i don't know. it's all so new."

brandon nods "i get that. but chloe is always like that. don't let her bring you down. being my ex and all she can be a little-"

you cut him off "too much? manipulating?"

brandon nods "i mean i was gonna say overprotective but yeah, you're not wrong"

you nod "i'm sorry if i ruined the night.."

brandon smiled "you kidding? you didn't ruin anything! i mean yeah, you kinda hurt me when you called me ew but the fact you came looking for me to make it right, you stood up to me in front of chloe.. it. it was really sweet of you"

you smiled softly "it was sweet of you to come say hi when i got here. i've never got that before. and i've lived all over the world"

brandon smiled "was just being polite. plus it's nice to see someone in that house again, after it's been years of it being empty but i'm. i'm really glad it's you. y/n" he then moved a little closer to you and put his arm around you

you smiled "me too, b. me too" you then rested your head on his shoulder

you both sat on the roof and talked for hours. until. you checked the time and looked into your driveway to see your mom was back. "shit i better get going. it's way later than i thought"

brandon nods as he went in for a kiss. it was awkward at first, but then you went in for one too. y'all kissed then you pulled away and smiled. "i'll come back over tomorrow. that way i can meet everyone better"

brandon smiled "goodnight love"

you smiled softly as you headed back to your place. you climbed back into your bedroom window and into bed. maybe just maybe you might like it around here.

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